Dont transfer between schools no matter what, transfer system is corrupt and will cause a extreme RE-do of courses already taken with no additional learning acheived. College is basically a way to drain you of MONEY, increase debt to society and destroy a persons self worth. And in the end there are no jobs to take / between a rock and a hard place takes on a new meaning. College education in this COUNTRY is a joke, other countries offer this for FREE!!! Thank you for the debt and meaningless paper I will receive at the end. ?
Apply to more schools and be open to more change. Maybe apply to some schools internationally to open up my options. Consider taking a year off to travel to give yourself more time in making your descision. Don't base your descision on what your friends are doing, because friends come and go. Be more open to visting different schoools to learn more about each one.
I was never a high school senior, so I cannot quite answer this question, but I will take it as the time I graduated from community college (when I was 18). I would have recommended that I register for minor courses in a couple of different disciplines, more credits than I could really take, so that I would have more options if I decide to drop a course later (as I did with a physics class). If I could have done a bit more in that area my first semester, I would have been able to learn more things of interest to me in the relatively short time I have at the University of Arizona (since I am a transfer student with an A.S., I only get two years worth of scholarships unitl I get a bachelor's degree).
When you go to college, make sure to always stay true to yourself. Make lots of friend, step outside of your typical comfort zone because the friendships you create will last forever. Don't be scared to talk to the doctor who teaches your biology class, or the professor who has wrote a wall of books, getting to know them will help you understand the material, expectation and yourself more. Enjoy the college life, go out when you can its important to have fun but remember your priorities. Have a good outlet to release stress, like jogging. Jogging or whatever outlet will not only help with stress but sometimes stepping away from the situation, homework or whatever it may be will help clear your mind; its when you have your best moments of clairity and come up with the best ideas. Utilize the resources the college offers to you, they're there for a reason. And lastly, learn to like coffee, staying up a whole week a time is sometimes a must, but IT IS WORTH IT.
College is an adventurous learning experience overall. Learning how to balance your social life and family life is going to be one of the most difficult transitions. Your parents are no longer there to tell you when your curfew is and punish you if your homework is not finished. Every one enters college with fear and excitement it is new to all incoming students so you are not alone. There are people who will help you with anything you need but you cannot expect them to come to you. It is very important to be involved in activities and put yourself out there. You will get a feel for how everything works so just be patient and enjoy yourself. Stay on top of your homework and take advantage of all the extra help programs available, you do not want to fall behind! College is just another step in becoming an adult and will help prepare you for the real world. So stay focused and have fun, everything will soon become a natural routine!
I would tell myself that college is very rough and just be prepared for the stress that it causes.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself not to waste time. There is so much to do while you are in college. I would tell myself not to spend all my time with the boyfriend I had then and to make friends. I would aslo tell myself that college is not as difficult as high school teachers make it out to be. The last thing I would tell myself is to be myself. Do not try to be someone your not because most people are going to see right through the fakeness. People will like you for who you really are. And most of all the students here are going through the same thoughts you are with going to a new school so you are not alone. College is suppost to be the best years of your life so make the most out of it.
While I and my entire senior class grappled with scholarship applications, college searches, and fending off senioritis, we were provided with essentials about college and what it would be like. Our parents, teachers and friends were giving us random information about crazy professors, living off of microwavable soup, and how different life was going to be for us. All this information though, did not help me with my college transition. Yeah, there are some wacky professors and a couple times I did have to stay in my dorm room eating chicken soup, but overall, college was not something I could easily organize for by asking people what it was like or what I should be doing. All the expectations I had were scattered into chaos the second I set foot on campus, and for nearly a month I attempted to connect reality with my assumptions. Now, I really wish that I could have known not to rely so heavily on what I was told about college and that the best thing to do was to enter my new life free from expectations so that I could choose my own unique path for the future.
I would tell myself (my hyper-driven, strung-out, no-idea what to major in high school senior self) to slow down and really explore what you like to do and apply that to a field you might be interested in, instead of to just randomly pick a field and go with it because that is what you had been doing throughout high school. Be careful not to get burned out! You don't need to take sixteen credits each semester! It's okay to push yourself, but don't feel like a failure if you are not at the top of every class. You're not perfect and no one expects you to be!! Don't be afraid to ask for help (see last sentence). Take classes that you enjoy, but branch out and take something you wouldn't normally consider. You'd be surprised. Don't forget to make friends. These people you will probably end up knowing for the rest of your life. So, basically, college life is all about balance. Strive to do your best, and have fun once in a while!
Learn to study! College is NOT easy like high school. Get involved in more clubs. It makes it easier to make more friends. Wait on dating until you've graduated!! Guys just complicate things and distract you from your studies.