One and a half years have passed since you graduated from high school. Since then, you have sailed across an ocean , to over seven countries, and evolved into a stronger woman. You can weather 40 foot seas with composure, but when you attend your first semester of college, you let your financial struggles defeat you, and cause you to withdraw.
In life, we all face a countless series of roadblocks. But we choose which ones to conquer, and we must never create our own limitations. Find opportunity in every challenge you face: learn, grow, and overcome. Sometimes, you'll need to help yourself. Other times, there are people waiting in the wings to guide you through this journey: do not be afraid to accept what they have to offer. Knowing how to graciously embrace help can be just as vital as standing on your own strong legs.
I have experienced more of life now, so I want you to know, you suffer only as much as you allow yourself; you grow only as much as you desire. Do not allow fear to lead you, but a clear conscience and a strong frame of mind.
I would try to be as involved as I could be by joining clubs, doing different electives like yearbook and photography. Even sports are a great way to be involved. Ultimately, I feel that being involved in highschool helps you transition into college easier because yes, focusing on academics is important but social skills will take you all the way to the job you are applying for. Physical health and mental health are also very important and sports help with that also. Making sure you keep you grade up is another piece of advise I would give myself so I could have had more scholarships and not be in debt because of school now. Seeking out all resouces to pay for school is worth it because after you are done, it is a very huge burden to continue to pay. It would be nice to have no debt out of school.
The most important part about college is not always the most obvious. One might think that it is academics but truthfully it is about your community. Anyone can focus on academics and suceed. But why do that and stay secluded? Being alone is not what makes college "the best years of your life." Instead, focus on finding a school that is known for having many different clubs that interest you, and then follow through with becoming involved. The people that you meet in college have the potential to be life long friends but only if you allow them to be. Getting involved in a club and making new friends is vital, so be patient and don't go home every weekend. Give your school a try and who knows who you will meet.
P.S. Try not to take any 8 am courses, they are brutal in the winter.
The most important and relevant advice I could give myself when I was a high school senior would be to attend a university where my boyfriend would not be attending, and live in the dormitory. Since I shared an off-campus apartment with my then boyfriend and one of his friends, and they were both attending school only part-time, the lifestyle they developed made it very difficult for me to get enough sleep and focus on my studies. I think that going away for your first year of school is best accomplished if you live on-campus for at least the first year, until you have fully transitioned to the full-time university student lifestyle in a new city or town. Living on-campus makes it easier to meet other full-time, academic-minded students who are interested in studying outside of class.
If I would have decided to attend the university in my home-town, an excellent situation would have been to live with and assist my grandparents while going to school. Later, I did live with and care for my grandmother while completing my bachelor's degree, and the situation worked out wonderfully for both of us.
I would tell myself that the decisions made in college really do affect your future and where you are going to end up life. I would also tell myself that not everything is going to make sense or be esay but it is best to never settle and always to strive for the best. I would also encourage myself to make myself interact with the professors more and to get more involved with Campus life.
As an incoming freshman, I did not expect that college would demand so much of a person. As my father told me when I received my first C my first semester at the UA, "It has to hurt to succeed." That phrase has been echoing in my mind ever since then. And that is the phrase I would tell myself 3 years ago when I graduated from high school. The freedom you receive when entering this real-world environment is addicting and blinding. Some do not know where the limit is to their newfound fun that comes with that freedom from becoming an adult attending college. I had to learn it the hard way. And as crazy as it may seem, I would not take any moment back. For, if I had not learned my lesson early on in my college career, I do not know where I would be now. Definitely have fun, make friends, go out, have the college experience. But it takes a true succesful and mature person to draw the line and realize, your education is what is ultimately important. College wakes you up to the reality that YOU are now in control of your future.
please be more consious of your grades and how hard you work in school, all the classes you take now can be made to avoid extra classes in community college.
You have to be happy where you are; with everything. With the academics, with the social life, with the environment. You need to go to the schools and see what it looks like and how you feel there. And then after you need to imagine yourself going to school there and see if you like what your imagining. You have to be happy, you cannot simply choose a school because your parents tell you to or because you have friends that go there. This is your future, make the right decision.
You really have to study in your high school. If you learned from your high school, you will not waste your time to take same class agin in your freshman year. Also, Please! apply many scholarships! Rest of the tuition will be your money, and you can buy text books. So, you do not have to waste your money for $100 text books!
Looking back to myself as a high school senior, I think my main piece of advice is that college will be what you make it. Throughout the entire aplication process its hard not to take every detail into consideration, but in reality it all boils down to your perception of your own life. I know that wherever I would have decided to go I would have been happy, but I chose to make the U of A my university. I combination of wanting to get out, wanting to start fresh, and wanting a change in scenery was what lead me here, but at this point I dont think I would have it any other way.!
College at first may not have lived up to whatever expectations I had, but I genuinely wanted to make it a good experience. And I found ways to do it. Dont be afraid to make new friends! Put yourself out there, and lastly, once you are somewhat comfortable, explore your new area. Finding a niche somewhere outside of campus, and in the commuunity can make all the difference! You just have to go look for it!