If you want you still want to become a physician, brush up on your chemistry. Chemistry is one of the hardest lower division classes a science major student will take. Learn the pKa and PkB values of many molecules as they are what makes chemistry the most confusing course there is.
Also, take calculus seriously. Science majors depending specifically on what it is go at the minimum to Differential Equations. As it is, the basis of it is Calculus I. High school calculus is not that any different from college level calculus; as such the same deritives are discussed.
That's it. Afterall, your a senior now, the society will view you as an adult soon. Take all Math and Science all of your 4 years in high school and apply for University of Arizona ASAP. The admission is not competetive but classes do fill up fast, even with lower divisions.
If I could go back in time and give myself advice while in high school I would emphasize the importance of being dedicated to my education and making sure that I just put my nose to the grindstone in college because it is something very important and opens the door to so many oppurtunities in life. I would tell myself, get it done quick, do it well, but have a great time doing it!
I would not change a thing if I went back. I feel like I did everything I needed to do to prepare myself. My senior year in high school was such a life changing year for me. I was challenged so much. I made it through the year without support of my father & with a lot of responsibility & I recieved straight A's in college level classes. I learned about the incredible power of education & knowledge, I learned about myself & how I don't have to accept negativity in my life, & I feel like I really "bloomed" into the person I need to be to be a positive influence in the world. My initial response was that I would have told myself not to become pregnant my first year of college, but then I thought about it. Now that I am where I am, the a mother & happily married, I would never ever change a thing! I am so saticfied with life & I know that with the support from my husband I still have the option of changing the world! (& that, to me, is no understatement). I have done very well in college so far, & with a lot more respensibility.
Take more duel credit classes, stay in AP and IB classes.
I would tell myself to be prepared for the ultimate challenge in life. I would tell myself that high school does not really prepare you for college. I would then tell myself to buckle down and take things more seriously in order to make it through.
I would prepare myself better for what I was about to experience. Most of my friends and family will be far away and I will have to learn to live a completely independant life. I would also make it very clear I don't need to know anything about my career until much later. There are so many different kinds of people at U of A that it will be easy to fit in, so I just need to be myself and live life to the fullest.
I would tell myself to have confidence, both academically and socially. I went to a small high school, so transitioning to a university with 30000+ people was difficult. I didn't know where I fit in. As it turns out, I'm the same person I was academically and socially, and I wish I had known that earlier, because I think it would have made my transition to college a lot less stressful.
I would tell myself to study, and always ask questions and never fall behind.
In high school, it is important to develop a sense of who you are. If I had the chance to go back and give myself some advice, I would focus on developing myself as a person. In college there are many opportunities to learn, so it's not a problem finding a place for yourself. The important thing to do in high school, I would tell myself, is to participate in lots of diverse activities to gain a sense of the kind of person I would want to become. I would tell myself to get to know different types of people, and to try to identify with them. It's important to educate yourself about issues and aspects of the world around you before you leave for college. That way, you enter college knowing what you're most passionate about. Knowing that is the key to the college experience. There are so many possibilities to get involved in things you're passionate about at a university! Getting to know yourself, developing a passion, and discovering what you would do for your passion are the three things that any high school student should work on before college.
Hello High School Becka!
First of all, when you get to college, remeber that it's okay to drink in moderation. Don't be afraid to speak up in class, because most underclassmen are. If you want to get the most out of your college experience, read the textbooks assigned to the class! Remember to visit your professors during office hours; sometimes they offer you that little bit of extra help that will be needed to pass your tests. Don't slack off too much, and trust can still work 40 hours AND go to college full time. You'll be fine. If you have a hard time making up your mind about what you want to be after college, that's okay! You don't HAVE to graduate in 4 years. You are a smart young woman and I know that once you get here, you will be perfectly fine! Have fun and remember to be yourself :)
Love, Becka