My main advice to up and coming college freshman is to become involved in the university's activities and programs. There is so many things available to a student while he/she is at college; take advantage of it! One should not limit him/herself to any one aspect of a college education. It a chance to discover what he/she really believes and wants to commit his/her life towards doing in addition to making life long friends. I especially encourage students to volunteer in the local community. Service is a great leadership oppurtunity. The unverisity has many resources available to students it just takes a creative idea and determination to make it a reality. Don't let life pass by, decide in college to make a difference, and it will happen!
The advice I would give to students is to go with your gut feeling when trying to decide on a school. If you get that feeling of excitement or even a sense of clarity while you are at a particular school then I say go for it. If you feel like the school's environment is going to be condusive to how you learn and you are comfortable with the surroundings then it is most likely going to be a great school for you. I think it is very difficult to know exactly what you want right out of high school so this can make it difficult to decide on a school, but if you can ask yourself what is most important to you, it will often lead you in the right direction. Once you get to college I think the most important thing you can do for yourself is to get involved. There are so many opportunites outside of the classroom that will enrich your college experience. Joining clubs and organizations, playing sports, or even having a job on campus can lead you in new directions and teach you a lot about yourself along the way.
picking a college is extremely hard on a high school student because there are so many choices out there and things to think about. especially if one doesnt have the luxery of visiting the school prior to attendance or getting a feel for what the place really is like. outside pressures from family or school adminisration are also factors that could influence the school you go to. in my case, i was pressured to go to a school i was admitted into soley for the purpose of it being close to home. my school of choice was across the country, and even with being admitted, i listened to my family and went with their opinions rather than my own. it has led me to beleive that in attending the closer school, i was as miserable as i thought i would become and eventually transferred. my advice is to follow your heart and fully investigate the schools you are considering. its alot of time and money you are investing in, not to mention your future.
As important as it is to find a college where you feel you fit in, it is equally important to find a place that is financially realistic to you and your family. Unfortunately, I went to a college that I felt was right in my heart, but was not a smart choice for financial reasons. It is crucial to pay close attention to realistic tuition costs because having a financial strain can negatively affect the college experience. I am constantly worried about finances and realize I will have to transfer if I cannot find a solution quickly.
Parents should be equally aware of this financial burden. Loans are not as easily accessed as it may seem. Do not let the love for your child overshadow what is financially feasible. Sometimes tough love is the hardest, yet most important thing in life.
A student will be able to reap the most benefits at a school they can afford.
Finding the right college is making sure you feel at home. You need to pick a place where you feel the most comfortable because that will be the place you'll do the best in. However you need to get out of your comfort zone in order to mature and reallly see what you do or don't like.
Choose what is most comfortable for the student. Instead of picking a popular school or friends attending. Look for a campus that is not so spread out. Make sure professors are acclaimed and class size is appropriate. Choose one with lots of opportunities and activites.
The one thing that I would say to parents when finding the right college for their son/daughter, is find the place that will use all their interests in life to their full potential. Find that the school that you know that your son/daughter will find to be comfortable for them to study in and become an active member inside the college society.
I would tell parents to let their students choose whatever college they want. I would tell students to figure out what majors are available at your college to figure out what you want to do, so you dont waste time taking classes you don't need.
The best advice I have is to research as many locations as possible in person. You will get the best feel for a campus and community through an in person visit. Personally, I found my school from the moment I walked on campus. While it is cliche, I felt an overwhelming sense of belonging from the first step I took. I also couldn't turn down the scenery. Fitting in with the school is also important, so you must evaluate your personality and likes/dislikes. I am an outgoing person and thus a large campus did not bother me. The final selling point is the availability of programs and activities. Knowing what you want to do with your life is important, but if you are unsure then having options is extremely helpful. And fitting in is easy on a campus that offers multiple clubs and extracurriculars. Good Luck!
Follow your heart. But the most important is to do a good research on the college you want to go to. First, you should consider the instate Universities, instead of going for the ones that are out of state. By choosing instate school, you can save a lot of money and stay out of debt. It is important to choose the school that is well established and has been there for decades. Also, the location of the school is very important, you do not want it to be in the middle of nowhere and you want to have an exciting social and cultural experiences while you are getting your degree.