University of Arizona Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona know before they start?


It may seem like everybody is telling you this, but stick with what you want to do. College can seem intense at times, but the outcome is rewarding. The earlier you start and the harder you work at it, the earlier you can get out and move on with your life.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to go to college right after High School. I would tell myself that instead of getting a job and making money, I should go straight to college and become a teacher. I would aslo tell myself to find a good advisor that could assist me in my journey through college. This is important because in order to truly understand your potential in college, you must be able to be open and diverse to all the educational opportunities in college. I would also remind myself to never give up in college and that education is much more important than making money. I would tell myself that I am much more capable of doing things than I have given myself credit for and that the things I am worried about will resolve themselves so I should only focus on my education.


Relax. Take a deep breath and be yourself. There will be plenty of times when you mess up and fall flat on your face in the coming year but always get back up. Do not lay aside your morals no matter how many other people choose to walk away from what they believe. You are blessed to have the opportunity to go to college so don't waste it. Meet everyone in your dorm and make friends in your classes because some of those people will be life long friends. Explore different interests and go places you normally wouldn't go because being a college student is one of the most mobile times of your life. And remember what Dad always says, "Work hard, do your best and have fun." Live by those three things and you will love Freshman year.


I am in awe of the capabilities within each of us as we strive to be fulfilled in our lives. Furthermore, I acknowledge that we are prone not to tap into our potential. This is often the result of stagnation or becoming comfortable with the status quo, or failing to recognize opportunities as they are encountered. As a little girl, you told mom and dad that you wanted to ?change the world.? They repeatedly told you that you had all of the tools to accomplish this goal. They helped you recognize that change comes in all forms. I learned that living with compassion for others and then acting upon those emotions can evolve into far greater influence in the world, both immediate and on a larger scale. I have since kept these ideals close to my heart. Rather than being overwhelmed by the magnitude of effecting global change, I seek to educate and inspire my peers when the opportunities arise. The transition into collge life will be a flawless one if you challenge and motivate yourself to excel academically and get involved on campus. Remember to always remain positive and surround yourself with positive people who motivate and inspire you.


I would tell my highschool senior self to get my priorities straight. College isnt just about having fun and partying all the time, though that part is inevitable. I would say to be sure to focus hard on my studies, and probably to try and be more involved. I would also tell myself not to be so bummed that I didnt end up going to my 1st choide (UCLA). At U of A I've made lifelong friends whom i wouldn't change for anything and ive come to appreciate less material things. This school really emphasizes education and morality and ethics and public welfare; looking out for one another basically..its shaped me into a pretty compassionate person. If i had gone to a different school and made friends there, then maybe things like these would not be as important to me. I might have ended up more or less the same, however theres the slight chance that id be completely different.


If I were to go back as a high school senior, there are several things I would tell myself: 1. College is nothing like high school and yet has a lot of high school drama. While you will get to meet lots of different people, the same stereotypical gossip-mongers will be around. However, it is much easier in college to ignore those people, since they eventually drop out of your life. 2. Get at least 2 alarm clocks, and try not to set snooze or else you'll never get to your classes. 3. College is not the fashion show high school was. No one cares if you arrive to class in pjs. 4. Enjoy these last few years of irresponsibility. College goes by so quickly that you should try to make every moment count. In the end you're not going to remember the classes and tests you took, but you will remember the times you spent with friends.


This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Dont let your fear of the unknown keep you from making the most of this opportunity. The decisions you make today, will affect your future, whether they are good, or bad, so make the most of this wonderful time in your life, and go out there and make a difference.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself not to stress out over the little things. The key to getting through school is to understand all material. Read and complete everything on time, and always ask questions when in doubt. Don't think you are annoying teachers, that is what they are for. The quality of the knowledge gained in a class is much more inportant than the letter grade.


Focus on school and build good connections with other poeple. College is what sets to tone for the rest of you life and its important to get everything out of it you can.


College offers a vast array of free time that many people cannot handle. It seems that it is a lot easier in high school because, in high school, there wasn?t any hour breaks between classes so that time needs to be used wisely. What I regret is not using that time to study because I thought that I knew the material well enough to let it go and go hang out with friends. I have a job that took some of my time, but if only I knew that there were going to be more detail in the test, then I would have used it wisely.