University of Arizona Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona know before they start?


There are so many things I wish I could?ve told myself about college life and making the transition. First, I would warn myself that it is quite lonely in the beginning. You don?t make friends instantly, even on a campus of 30,000 people. I would also tell myself that it?s not easy moving to another state. You have to condense your entire life into a few suitcases. College is all about time management. Make sure to make going to class, homework, and studying a priority but you still need to make time to relax. Friends are one of the most important aspects of college. It?s important to make good friends that you actually enjoy being around so you can have someone to talk to when you get stressed or frustrated. The biggest piece of advice I would have given myself is to stay motivated. In college it is easy to just want to give up, go home, and have your parents take care of you, but you have to remember that college is part of the bigger picture of your life.


Don't be afraid to open up to people especially those who want to help you transition. Develop an adjusted study schedule and stick with it. Be smart with your time and use it wisely. TIme management is key because you have much more freedom than you did in high school. You must be able to disciplline yourself and become self reliant. Surround yourself with good people who share the same standards. Network with people who can help you get where you want to be. Don't be afraid to try new things and have an open mind. College is a time to grow, learn, and become a better person. Its a fresh start for a bright future. What you put into it is what you will get out of it. Lastly, its important to have a balance between academics and your social life. Academics come first which means you won't always get to go out with friends or go to that party. Get help when you need it and don't get behind! Don't forget to have fun though. You only go through this time of your life once so make the best of it. Enjoy yourself!


One thing that I constantly thought about as a high school senior was, "What is college really going to be like?" Most people said it was much harder than high school, there is many opportunities to make friends, get involved, and to spread your wings and grow as a human being. Some of these things have turned out to be true, but some of them have turned out to be not true, which brings me to the question. If I had to go back in time, what would I tell myself? I would actually only say one thing. Expect anything, because college can be rough at times but, as long as you are ready for some of the tough times, it will be much easier to deal with those times, and move forward to the good times. Doing homework until 5 AM only to have class at 9 AM can be a real downer, so keeping your chin up and your mind forward is very important to having fun. Trust me, once you see college, you might never want to look back. It is the best time of your life.


Dear me, As you get ready for your first year at college, here's some advice to get you going. First of all, even though the heat may seem unbearable, it will get better. Within two weeks the weather will change, so you'll be alright. Second, confront your roommate quickly. Tell him about the rules of the room, and don't let him run you. Towards the end of the semester he will have no respect for you, so deal with him quickly. Thirdly, study as often as possible and really read every assignment. Media history will be hard if you don't read everything, so be sure to read! As far as the online quizzes go, write them ALL down in your planner so you won't forget! Infact, write everything down as it comes up in your planner! Use that thing religously, and it will keep you on track! The last thing I have is this: open up to your friends. People will befriend you, so don't be shy around them! There is an amazing, fun, loud side of you that needs to come out! I'm proud of you for taking this step! Sincerely, Ezekiel.


I would tell myself to branch out a little more. To strive to be a better student and all-around person. I would tell myself to push myself harder not only academically, but also athletically. To make that jump to a different team to possibly better exposure.


Learn as much as you can. Take as many classes that interest you as you can. Avoid the high school drama--it is wasted time. Focus on your goals and do well in your classes. Participate in the available activities and don't let anyone tell you that being a good student is dumb or unnecessary. You'll do better in college if you do your best in high school. Have a job. Do some work in your community and really enjoy the time spent as time well spent will not be wasted or forgotten.


Jena, there is no reason to freak out about leaving home and going to Tucson. You will fit in perfectly. I know you have been uneasy because you feel you are the only one who will not be drinking at any of the parties and will be the outcast if you join a sorority. It is not like that whatsoever. First of all, there are so many girls in the sororities, which creates the highest range of personalities. Because of this versatility, the majority of the time there is always someone who will have some sobre fun with you. Even if there is not, the students will not judge you if you tell them no to a shot of liquor. I have been told many times that they respect me for that. Your fear of becoming a drop out or having to switch your major should be squashed. First semester of college is a lot adjust to, but you adapt just fine and second semester will become a breeze. Enjoy the rest of your senior year and be patient with your friends. Relationships in college change, so make the most of the time you have with them now.


Hey John! Heads up dude college is around the corner its time to get serious. Trust are going to want to be part of a four year university. They are more fun also you mature and grow as an adult by being on your own at college. Community college is exremely lame. Basically its an extension of highschool except the fact that you probably wont meet a whole lot of new people and many older people attend . So listen up, apply to some colleges because a four year universty is where you belong. The atmosphere on campus is so positive and you enjoy the feeling of wanting to be at school. That is completly opposite from a community college campus, which brings you down and doesn't allow you to enjoy "the college experience" to the full extent. So go on Johnny, put your self out there and do it like the company Nike! It's your time to shine and strenghten up, man up and do this before your time is up.


I would have advised myself to get more involved with on-campus activities. I am satisfied with my current social circle, but wish I would have taken advantage of the clubs and organizations on campus. If I had I may have found more friends who share my same ideals and beliefs. The group of friends I possess


I would remind myself in choosing my college major that, ultimately, I am the person whose life is the most affected by the decision. I would recant my years in college to my high school self, highlighting that even the threat of financial security didn't stop me from dropping midway through a rigorous healthcare program to pursue a major that I truly love - architecture. In the last three years, the unhappiest - and the most critical - moments of my life pushed me to seek refuge in what lightened my heart and brought vivid imigination to a starved mind. The decisions we make in life are never final so do not be afraid to reach for what you truly desire. Even though my own parents declared healthcare to be my only suitable field and that following a career in the arts would lead to poverty, I need to follow where my interests keep returning because the passion that arises and grows from those interests will motivate me to learn faster, study harder and dream larger. Today, my new major isn't dreary and burdensome like my previous one; it instead challenges me and paints my once faint dreams in solid realities.