University of Arizona Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona know before they start?


I have learned a lot from my pre business classes about the business world and what to expect. I am on the right track to becoming an accountant and I need a college degree to do so.


My college experience has allowed me to grow as an individual. I have become a more self dependent and responsible person because I had to take care of myself. I have also become more outgoing, and able to go and search for help from all the resources that the university has to offer. I feel like the university is maturing me and shaping me and preparing me for the buisness world.


My first semester as a freshmen at the University of Arizona was where I struggled the most. Just graduating high school and thrown into a big college campus I was overwhelmed with change. Classes were great and exciting but I realized that college is nothing like high school. As a student, I had to push myself to do my best. Being around professors and my peers helped me through my first semester and showed me that college is an amazing experience. I've learned time management, better study habits, and created new relationships with people from all over the world. The value of college is hard to describe to those who do not experience it for themselves. College has been valuable to me in many ways. I now value education more than ever and have passion for education because college has allowed me to become closer to my goals.


It is extremely important to find the right type of people to befriend. Study groups, clubs, and even friends will influence the way one will interact with people in the future. One's closest friends may inevitabally from the dorms, which are highly recommended to live in during your college years. I made the biggest mistake of living at home with my parents this freshman year, and I am having trouble finding and making friends. The college academic difficulty level is not bad. As a matter in fact, the first two years are just as hard as high school. But the work load can be horrendous at times. I realized that one must be excellent with time management and structured planning in college.


Responsibility is the key! When in High School I would depend on my parents to get my materials, make sure I was not forgetting anything, and just help me keep my life together. In college I have learned how to be completely responsible for my school work, for my grades, and just myself in general. I know that if I did not enroll in college right away I would have lacked this very important virtue in my life.


College is a place to learn from both professors and from those around you. Any person's opinion demands consideration, whether it is an opinion or idea from a professor or a peer. Professors do not know everything, and they do not claim to know everything. They can only show you the door, while you must make the decision to walk through it and carry on with a passion or interest. From that point on, it is you and your friends who make the choices; however, life can be made significanly more simple and bearable with a professor or elder as a friend. In short, I have learned thus far that in order to succeed, I must consider every possible factor or path, and with more knowledge from multiple sources, choosing a correct path becomes a delicate game of balacing both pros and cons while considering the tugs of the heart.


I have gone through a lot of rough times with my family and school. I have finally picked myself up and am on my way to a sucessful future, God willing.


College has given me the most valuable understanding towards life that i can imagine. I have seen multiple fraternities which dropped me get kicked off of campus for illigal activity. I have seen liers succeed and honest workers fail. I have made friends one semester and never heard from them again. Most of all I have reflected on the finitly specific circumstances which have lead me to the exact place I am at today only for me to realize that the only certainty in life is change and fast change at that. What I have earned from my time with the U of A is the understanding of possability and how to put it in my favor.


As an young man i have made chioce that I am proud of and those I'm not but this is one of the better chioices. I did not start school right out of high school. Had to find my self and discover what i want out of life. Not what my parents told me or teaachers I wanted something more. I went to the trade schools and they were not for me. The only thing they taught me is how to get a job not to keep it. So i told my self go ahead and try college what do I have to lose by doing this. I enrolled in school now i can say wow best choice every enproving my math, writing, reading, and commucation skills for the business word. It has help me improve my life for the better. If i could tell anyone that about to get out of high school. Do find yourself but make sure you go to college improve your live condition with an education. College is hard but worth it don't say you can't when you never tried, take the steps need to grow.


I have noticed a sense of maturity out of my College experience. Instead of school being just another thing to do in my life everyday, it has become a major priority. I've developed more responsibility seeing that my classes and books are being paid out of pocket. Also, acquried a more skills in ways of organizing notes, styles of learning, and math. Attending college has been valuable for bringing more knowledge to me in different interesting ways. Having to not go to school everyday and still being capable of still working throughout the week, has also been and advantage for me. My college experience has been great for the fact that i was even able to attend and that it's preparing me for my future career.