If I were to give some advice to parents and/ or students about college, I would have to advise that in order to find the right college and to make the most of the whole college experience, one should always be open-minded. Throughout the whole process, being open-minded will help both parents and students adjust to college life and enable them to make the most out of the experience. Also, having an optimistic outlook is a key to success for college for parents and students. With open-mindedness and optimism, parents and students will be able to be stress free and worry free, which will help both enjoy the moments and experiences that a family goes through together in college.
Finding the right college is a difficult process. I struggled throughout my first two years of school. I tried to get involved and tried to be active, however, I knew that I wasn't happy. I finally decided to come to the University of Arkansas. It was the best decision I have made. You need to be somewhere that truly makes you happy and this place does. Don't worry about making anyone else happy. Base your college decision on your needs and on your passions.
Having the courage to get involved has helped me so much. Making yourself get out there and meet people is key. Also, declaring a major will help to make friends quickly. You have classes with many of the same people each semester and this helps to ensure lasting friendships.
Visit the campus. Spend some time with your advisor, teachers and in the buildings of your school. Make sure you feel comfortable on the campus, in the buildings, and with the people around you.
Find a college that has lots of ways you can get involved.
All parents and students must be sure to explore all college options, do lots of research, and make a educated decision about what school is best for them. Students, make sure not to be influenced by others choices around you. You must pick the place that is best for you, otherwise, you will not be happy.
To get the most out of your college experience, you should get away from home. This will get you out of your comfort zone an force you to meet new people. If you have trouble meeting people, I would defintely encourge you to join a fraternity or sorority. Just by joining in the greek system, you will automatically have a network of friends, and through those friends you will meet new people. Get involved in other things on campus, such as ASG, VAC, or other programs that might tie into your major. Attend sporting events, even if you aren't that fond of the sport. Just being a part of the student section and cheering gives you a sense of pirde for your school. Look for a college that will push you to your limits and open your eyes to things that you probably would never have considered. Everyone says these are the best days of your life, but that doesn't happen by chance, you have to go and make it spectactular. You only live life once so make the best of it! Don't get in your last year of college and have nothing to show for it!
Parents should attend orientation and campus tours with their student. It is very important that both paretns and students know whta the environment is like.
I think parents need to know that, in the end, cost shouldn't be an issue. Loans and scholarships are available everywhere and it is very important that students go where their heart desires. If they go somewhere they are forced, it's very likely that they will not apply themselves as much.
For students, you need to choose a school that has programs and activities that you enjoy. You want to be involved in your school and on your campus. This will help you so much in the long run. Also, remember that it is so important that you balance your social life and academics. After you graduate, you will have a transcript that follows to show your academics, but nothing to follow you around saying what parties you went to or how many people you dated. Enjoy school while you are in it. It's so much harder and no where near as fun once you're working. LOVE IT!
Find out what you want to do or be. Look at the top schools in that field and go to the one that fits your budget the best. If you dont know what you want to do, go to a huge school in your favorite region and do business or computer science.
You must look for an affordable school that nurtures your interests and has great professors in your area of study. Take that step forward and become involved in campus activities, because networking is arguably the most important thing that you will gain from college.
Much like the stock market, college is an investment and you must choose the college with the best value that will help you grow into the person you hope to become. College is hard work mixed in with wonderful times.