University of Arkansas Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arkansas know before they start?


First i would tell myself to go to the university of Arkansas. back in high school i didnt really know where i wanted to go. next i would say college life is awesome! i have so much free time to do whatever i want. i dont have any parents tell me to do this or do that, and even though they can be hard sometimes i missed them the first week of college and also to call them offen. they really enjoy hearing from you and it means so much to them. also i would tell myself to bring some warmer clothes. it can get really cold in Arkansas and you will need it. last thing is to just enjoy it to the fullest. it goes by really fast.


If I were to go back to my high school self I would be sure to tell myself to take advantage of every scholarship/grant opportunity offered. College is expensive! Also, I would tell myself to learn how to manage my time and stress better. High school is stressful but college is even more so because you are on your own. Finally, I would tell myself to relax and to not take every little thing seriously. Sometimes bad or unforseen things happen and there is nothing we can do about it. So in turn we have to live and let go.


As a senior in high school I really wanted to move on to a four year university. Instead I ended up at a two year community college about 5 minutes away from my house. It wasn't my idea of the college experience. Looking back though I didn't accept community college for what it was. I didn't take the opprotunity to create those lasting relationships that college has to offer. If I was to do it all over I would have cherished my time at home and embraced the opprotunity that was before me. I also took for granted the chance to make sure the courses I was taking in community college would transfer the the University of Arkansas. I was able to fix those mistakes because of hard work, but much of that hard work could have been avoided if I had taken the time to understand the requirements needed for my degree. In the end, I believe we can all learn something from our past, but what really matters is how we use it to facilitate our future.


Search for more scholarships! Don't rely on advisors to get you out on time! Decide a major quickly! Get more involved! Study harder! Meet more people!


Don't delay too long in making the decision to come to college. Don't let your pride get in the way of what I belive to be a dire situation in the working class; there will be very few jobs in the U.S. that would provide you living that will support a family without the education backing you up. I would tell myself not to change a bit and that people like us are made for college. Never underestimate yourself, stay true with your musician ship, and keep the people looking at you. Use the talents that make high school a small challenge and apply them where the challenge is extreme and at this point I can guarantee at least early success and signs of academic dominance.


High school is easy. Everyone knows that. However, it's not about just getting by in high school; it's about preparing for college and developing the tools you'll need to get your education and degree. Even if you know what's on the test and it's going to be easy, it doesn't mean you shouldn't study. Studying is a habit you have to develop and it's better to work on that habit beforehand rather than in college where you have more to worry about than just knowing how to prepare for exams. If you're just learning how to study in college, chances are it's too late and you'll pay for it. So take high school seriously, even if nobody else does... that way you can laugh at all your friends failing your freshmen year because they never knew how to pick up a book.


My advice would be to start school imediately and follow through, because being a single mom with no college degree I can't get a job. Good luck


College may seem like all fun and games, but it is not! Just because you have more freedom now than you have ever had before does not mean you can go party every night. You have to grow up. I know that it is a lot to ask an 18 year old, but if you do not you will be in for a tough semester. You cannot just think that it your first semester and you have plenty of time to bring your GPA up. Your grades are stuck with you for life. Not only do you need to start off right, but you need to develop good study habits while you are still in high school. Take good notes in class and review them when you get home. Reviewing your notes within 24 hours is the best way to remember your material. Do not wait till the night before to cram for the test. If you look over your notes each day, and prepare for your test in advance you will do great. Remember, if you start off right and develop good study habits, you should have no problem with your college transition.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the first and most important thing I would tell myself is not to procrastinate. Now that I am in college, wasting time has become a bad habbit of mine. Secondly, I would say, self, you have to stay focused on the goal of succeeding. Do not go out chasing girls beause the last thing you want is to be an undergrad father. Have great time management so that all work can be done in a timely manner. Most deffinately do not go out parting all night every night, which I don't do but, I am sure it's not good for the health. Lastly I would humorously tell myself to make sure I have loads of money saved up because college is one of the most expensive things in life period. In conclusion, these are the things I would tell myself if I could go back in time to the high school days.


I would tell myself to firstly get on that ACT one more time. Also to apply for scholarships. More than i did. Make sure to also find out what i needed to do for the army to pay for my college. College is going to the funnest thing that i was going to do. Less drama and a lot better friends. More freedom to do what you want, classwise and outside of classes. The classes themselves are all fairly easy depending on what you may already know. Most of the professors are very laid back and though they seem like they dont care if you pass or not, but if you take the time to contact and ask for help they will care. The food is decent, but the atheletics program is one of the best.