Being from Dallas, Tx a new state and city opens many new oppurtunities and you meet new people. The experience a person gets when away from their hometown is bitter-sweet but all worth it for your education. Here I plan to make new connections and keep those throughout my life.
I have gotten many things already out of college. I am a freshman at the University of Arkansas, and I have learned so much. I didn't realize that there were so many different kinds of smart and unique people all around. I have made friends that I know will be around for a long time. The higher level of education here is great. In high school, there are people who don't care and blow it off like it's not important. On the other hand, at college, people actually care about their work and participate in class. I love college so far, and hope to learn many more things as I continue my college career.
Out of my college experience I have gotten to met some awesome people and take so really fun clases. The teachers are really nice and talking to them is really easy, so going to office hours isn't stressful. I always know I can go ask or e-mail my teachers for help about something. Asking for help to study for a test is easy because everyone is really nice and finding someone who is taking that class or has taken that class who is willing to help is super easy.
friends and connections! the dorm first year experience is definitely the way to go
In college I have learned that life is all about balance. For the past two years I have been a full time student and work over twenty hours a week. It is good practice to work while going to school for the future, because I will be working for the rest of my life. This also teaches me how to be smart financially and manage to stay focused on school works, but all work and no play seems like a boring life. However, there are twenty four hours in a day. I still managed to keep up with my social life and give back to my community. I hold a biweekly youth event for my church. My faith is still aligned and I am still the life of the party.
i have learned how to balance my time wisely, and pick out my priorities.
My college experience has given me friends for life, leadership experience, and the knowledge that I'm stronger than I thought I was. Attending college has become a requirement for those who wish to excell in any career; therefore, my college experience will enable me to further my professional career. However, the value of attending the University of Arkansas extends beyond merely a degree, it has given me valuable friends, life skills, and networking connections.
The most valuable thing I have gotten from college is that I do not know everything. There's a reason why I'm in school; to learn. And I have learned patience, endurance, and perserverence. Some teachers don't care about what you want to learn, rather than what they want to teach. But these are life lessons that were necessary to learn.
Students need to be aware not only of the situation at hand but also of the precedent set for future situations. I believe that a person cannot be truly successful with a mentality that every individual should only worry about themselves and in the end things will work out for the best. Being here at the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, I have been strongly encouraged to take the chances, reach out to the unknown and never give up. My advisor has given me some of the greatest insights to use now and in the future. Life on this college campus has brought me a social and academic drive that will carry me through a successful career and life.
Community involvement is strongly supported here. Community service is a crucial part of a well-rounded education. I feel participating in community service prepares a student to be productive members of society by allowing respect and appreciation for others and their surrounds. If I were to apply for college tomorrow the University of Arkansas would be my first choice. I feel honored to be an Arkansas Razorback.
One word that would sum up my college experience would be "maturity". While this is my 4th year of college, I need to attend an additional year to complete my major. During these four years I have experienced many trials. You have to learn time management, money management, dating issues, study habits, and how to handle social issues. Deciding the path you take in college is very confusing. You no longer have your parents there to guide you. The first year of college is the hardest because there are not many 18 year olds that know what they want to do when they grow up and you have freedom you never experienced. I feel I have matured during my college experience. I have made some mistakes I wish I could do over but, through those mistakes, I have matured. You learn to handle difficult situation and how to relate to people you have never had to deal with. Life is not easy and college is a great place to learn this lesson before you head into the real world where you are responsible for yourself and, hopefully, one day a family.