You just broke up with your girl friend and you are going to be hurting for a while. Don't let thoughts of home hold you down.
Keep learning. Your family will always ne behind you.
Past self, do not put off reading for your classes. To be prepared for class is one of the most helpful tips I have learned. Also, skipping class is not for cool kids, despite what they say. These two small hints will make you a much more successful student and they really are not that difficult to incorporate into your schedule.
Just because you're taking simple classes in college, in order to get basic courses out of the way, it doesn't mean you should slack off. You need to be more focused on your college education that social time, even if that means going to a college in a different state because it better suites your degree.
I would have embraced every opportunity I could. I would have searched and searched for free money for school. In addition, I would have worked constantly and volunteered more.
Figure out what you enjoy doing the most. What excites you? Build on that in school. Choose your own coarse according to those feelings. This will only help you to obtain a degree in something you'll appreciate and enjoy for the rest of your life. Stay focused and study your coarsework. The better you do, the quicker you'll get out and begin to enjoy the perks of living a grown-up life. You aren't going to miss-out on anything...trust me. You can party later and have much more fun in a responsible manner.
If you are a procrastenator and do all of your homework/studying at the last min. Try to break that habit, and start to work on homework, and study alittle at a time untill it is due. Also the reason people freak out about finals is because they slack off during the semister (poor grades, not attending class, etc...) now their trying to pull off 1 good grade to pass. College is not easy like highschool. try hard and you'll end up learning material, and skills for life!
If I got the chance to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would probably tell myself to do everything the same. Keep studying, reading insanely and stressing out when needed to stay on top of things. And probably to keep on juggling as well, to prepare for the future juggling club I would be an officer in. Also, to remember to take in every relationship and all the knowledge possible because the people you meet along the way will stay with you for the rest of your life and whether bad or good, the experience will help you grow as a person.
To go back in time and be able to tell myself about college life, that would be a great benefit. I would defiantly have to make sure to stress the importance of taking the required classes for a four year college whether I was going to attend or not. There were many grants and scholarships that I missed out on due to the fact I did not sign up for all the classes. I would most defiantly want to stress the importance of having your transcript in your hands by the time you graduate; it is more difficult to get it later. And last and certainly the most important, I would make sure to push on an earlier start date. I attempted the extended vacation between the transactions and found it more of a struggle to re-attend then it was to jump right into the next. Going back and being able to tell myself these things would have been wonderful. Plus while I was there traveling through time, I am sure I would have let myself in on little other facts of life.
I would tell myself to make sure I was ready to attend college, to stay focused on my grades not on a social life. College can be overwhelming and it is important to take it one day at atime and sometimes one classs at a time, Its will be worth it in the end!
Try to be more active the community. I wouldve in highschool, but i couldnt cause of the job i had.