The main thing a student needs to consider when he or she is trying to select a college is that you have to make the decision for yourself. There are so many great universities around the country and it is important that a person picks the one that he or she feels the most comfortable in. This school may be down the street from your house or hours away. I would strongly suggest visiting many schools and getting tours of the campuses and going to the athletic events to get a good feel for the school. Also, a student needs to take into consideration how hard it is to leave your parents for some. Even if you arent really close to your parents, it is different not getting to see them at all anymore. But, that being said sometimes its not a bad idea to get a little ways away from home and learn to make it on your own. Make sure you visit home but also spend weekends at the university and get a full grasp of the college life because after all, you only get four years (tentatively) to just have fun.
Choose a college that fits your interests and that will best cater to your academic needs, but also step out of your comfort zone. I have always lived in a small town of 1,000 people and went to a small college for two years. I then transferred to the U of A in Fayetteville. I did not think I would like the size because it was so much bigger than I expected. However, I ended up loving the size and atmosphere and enjoy attending college there! Sometimes, by taking a chance, you end up making the best decision and get much more out of the experience than you could have ever imagined.
Be open to other options. I originally wanted to go to school on the west coast but I ended up loving Arkansas.
Go where you will be happy and not just where is ranked higher!
Just make sure that you really know as much as possible about the school that you are picking. Parents be supportive of your student especially when they are overwhelmed with school work. Students find the right balance bn personal and social and work aspects.
Apply and visit as many schools as you can. Dont just go on tours of campus hang out with the people that go there and get their points of veiw of the school. Get as involed as you can, dont sit around on your butt and expect for things to happen to you you have to make things happen yourself. Be open to many new things your life will change dramatically.
The advice that I would give parents and students about choosing a college is make sure you allow the person going to school to make the decision. I understand parents that you went to a certain school, but like your kid decide. It is ultimatly their next four years and an unhappy child will not do as well in school. Also, go and visit the school that you are planning on attending. Go over all the cons and pros of each school, is it to far away, to close, to large, to small, and the list go on and on. You really need to be certain about what is right for you.
Students need to go into college with an open mind, and their parents need to nuture exploration in their children. It is impossible to have learned every opinion and mindset available before entering college, so students need to be flexible and willing to listen to the opinions of others and weigh ideas carefully. Following the crowd is useless the student is moving in a direction that they do not truly believe in. Parents need to explain to their children that having an open mind to new ideas is crucial for the formation of a well-rounded individual. A college or university that provides students with a variety of experiences and teachers, a safe, effective learning environment, and oppurtunities for a positive and healthy social life should be selected. In the end, the mindset and attitude of the student and parents will have a much larger impact on the overall effectiveness of the students' college education than the school selection. If a student goes into college hoping to learn and expand his or her horizons, then the result of the education will most likely result in the formation of a happier, more complete, and better functioning individual.
To find the right college you should research all the ones you are interested in and then look at the course work and degree plans they have to see if they fit your wants. Then after that narrows it down look to see if the activities you love to do can be done there and if the campus life at a particular college is what you would want to be involved with. Also keep in mind the distance from home to college and where you would live while attending college. Looking to see how much financial aid you have available is another big way to decide if a college is good for you. Know that you probably wont find a college that fits all of your expectations but make sure to prioritize your expectations and base your decision on that. Viewing the college campus' and talking to some of the professors can help decide which place you like better.
The most important thing, at any school you choose, is to form and maintain strong relationships with friends and family. No matter what lies ahead, friends and family will always be there for you when you need it the most. Also, take things one step at a time, life will always go on. Do not bite off more than you can chew, just take a minute to breathe, relax, and enjoy the great experiences, and learn from bad choices that you or those close to you have made. No one is perfect, don't expect yourself or those around you to be. Get involved and give back to your community. If you feel the need to complain about something, volunteer in that area so that others will have a better experience. Reach out, there are very few people in this world that don't appreciate kind words and friendship. Follow your heart, always. Only you can know what is best for you, if you follow your heart, prioritize, and stay true to yourself- you will blossum into a mature, healthy, and happy student.