University of California-Los Angeles Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of California-Los Angeles?


Refer to first question.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the congested walk ways and long distances to classes.


They do not seem to be overly efficient or organized. For the age of the school, they did not meet even the quality of the community college I attended previously.


The cost. Living in Los Angeles is a pretty penny in itself, but when you add the out-of-state tuition, housing, and textbooks into the equation the financial burden can be overbearing. The fact that I am in debt for more money than I have made in my life is frightening and demoralizing. It looms over me like a black cloud that can even make sunny Los Angeles seem bleak sometimes.


The most frustrating thing about UCLA is that the classes are generally quite large and it's difficult to forge relationships with professors and to get professors to remember you, which can really hurt when it's time to get letters of recommendation.


When the dining hall offers only pizza, hotdog, and french fries. I think they could cook little better than that.


There is not a frustrating thing about the university I am attending.


The most frustrating thing about UCLA is that you are forced to take courses that you are not interested in to satisfy your core requirements before you can begin taking courses for your major. I understand the concept of having a well-rounded education and trying out different fields, especially for those students that don't know what they want to major in. However, for the students like myself, who have known exactly what they want to do for a very long time, it seems like a waste of time and money to take courses that are completely unrelated.


The cost. It continues to increase every year and is already expensive for out-of-state students.


People are very clique0y