University of California-Los Angeles Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of California-Los Angeles?


Because of the California budget, the University is cutting many classes, so it is harder to find a variety of classes to enroll, especially for the general education classes. If you don't have priority passes to enroll in your classes, it many be difficult to find classes to enroll.


Signing up for classes as an underclassman is extremely difficult because there are so many people and so few openings. It puts a lot of stress and worry into figuring out which classes to take and etc. Of course with the economy and recession, it has just been hard for public schools.


I would have to say the parking or surrounding area.


The student government at UCLA is inefficient and wasteful. If the student leaders would just set aside their differences and focus on serving the students (as they claim every year), going to school would be even more enjoyable.


Cut-thoat students, competiveness


The classes are rather large, and despite this fact it can still be difficult to enroll in the classes you want. Perhaps it's because I'm in a science major and the competition for pre-meds and engineers is cut-throat (at any school), but once in a while I have trouble getting the classes or professors I want. So far I've been pretty lucky, but I have many friends who are hardly ever able to enroll in the classes they want.


the flaming liberals


Class sizes are too big. It's very hard to get to know professors and feel comfortable asking them for assistance, or for letters of recommendation down the line. Also career services are not as good and as personalized as they could be. The career center cuts you off right after graduation when a good proportion of students still don't have jobs.


The class size and enrollment issues are very frustrating. It also feels like a lot of times professors do not care about their students as mush as they should and that we are just one of their hundreds of students


The school is built on hills and is very large, so if you have to get to the opposite side of campus in 10 minutes you'd better run!