University of California-Los Angeles Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of California-Los Angeles?


Actually, I don?t find anything frustrating about my school. Yes, I experience frustration, but I don?t actually blame anything within the school for it. My personal philosophy is that my external environment is simply my internal worldview projected outwards. If something in my environment makes me uncomfortable, it?s because there is something within myself that I'm uncomfortable with. I feel that frustration is a sign that inner expectations need to be adjusted to match reality; changing circumstances that don?t serve my highest interests is much easier when I begin by acknowledging the way things are.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the quarter system. It moves really fast. Sometimes test can come as quickly as week 2 and midterms as quickly as week 3. This does not allow for any slacking off. Slackers will have a hard time. In my case, I had personal issues that kept me out of school for a couple weeks. Missing a couple weeks in the quarter system can have a ridiculous affect on your grade and understanding of the course because that is 1/5 of the total quarter.


The most frustrating aspect of my university is the lack of availability of classes that are essential to graduating on time. Student are forced to remain at the university for an additional year because they have not completed the neccessary course work to have finsihed their degree in four years.


It is really big so it is hard to meet people. I live in a plaza, which is unlike a residential hall in that we have our own bathroom. Therefore, it is not a very social dorm. The classes are so big that it is connect to others.


The most frustrating thing about school is the school fees. I currently working two jobs to make ends meet while I am a full-time student trying to get good grades. Being a student at UCLA, it is stressful to trying to do well especially when I am still new at being a college student. Everyday I look for ways to navigate through the system and looking for support in order to do well. As a first generation student, I am still trying to adjust to the college life especially when I am away from home.


The most frustrating thing would be that there are many T.A.'s who really don't know how to teach and it is difficult to get the extra help from them which would be a given if the T.A. actually had some vocation for teaching. One of the things one has to do in this case is look for tuturing and collaborate with friends in classes as much as possible in order to understand the material with greater extent.


It is a very competitive environment, so you have to keep on top of the material as it comes along. This can be frustrating because you don't have that much time to sit and relax; you have to study every day.


The most frustrating thing about my school is probably the extreme liberal mentality that the students embody. I've always been more of a moderate when it comes to politics, and it frustrates me that people don't open up their minds to the fact that although there are social issues to care about, we also need to think about the economy. Students here often tend to go with bandwagon liberal thinking rather than researching political facts and statistics to influence their political beliefs and decisions.


Student to teacher ratio, price of text books, and soliciting


The most frustrating thing about my school is the fact that there are so many clubs, guest speakers, performances and presentations available to the students, it is impossible to see everything that you want to see. At UCLA, there are so many opportunities available to you, it can be frustrating to have to pick only a select few of the hundreds of fun and challenging events to attend.