One of the most frustrating things about the University of California system in general, is the rising costs. It is becoming more ridiculous to finance an education at a UC, considering the many budget cuts. I wish there were more cuts in the salaries of some of the UC Regents, some of whom range in the 6 digits. There also needs to be more transparency, especially in regards to funding and money. In general, there is a need to redistribute and reprioritize where we spend our money in California. We spend more money on our prison systems than our schools.
Although it's more of a state crisis, the budget cuts are extremely frustrating. As an out-of-state student I couldn't afford the tuition before but now? It's nightmarish.
As a public school, it is sometimes very hard to get the classes that you want (though I haven't had too much trouble with this). Also, the tuition hikes are pretty frustrating.
The most frustrtating things is that because the student body is so large, it is impossible to know everyone that you are attending school with.
The most frustrating thing about my school is the challenge of completing a degree while being consistantly deployed around the world with the U.S. Military. While online classes have alleviated many of the issues pertaining to the challenge classes with a more flexible timeline need to be implemented for those students who are working professionals.
Enrolling for classes is really tough because there are so many people. Everyone gets two appointment times to enroll for classes, and you really have to think about which ones are your priority. Plus you have to find subsitute classes for all your classes and try to make everything fit into a schedule because you're guaranteed to not get at least one class that you wanted.
I think the most frustrating thing about school is the fact that there are so many frustrating criterias and financial problems that are always on the back of the mind, and this impedes studying at certain times. I would love to study without worrying about money or deadlines and whether I have planned my schedule correctly; however, all of this does teach someone how to survive, be independent, and responsible in the future.
The fee increase and budget cuts have been very frustrating and saddening.
The most frustrating thing about UCLA is not being able to get into the classes that you would like. If you are a freshmen, you are last to enroll behind and have to pretty much watch as the classes that you need/would like to take fill up before your eyes. You have to take the risk of going on waitlists sometimes, which is frustrating knowing that you may or may not end up in the class and must simply wait up to 2 weeks constantly checking if someone has dropped the course and a spot has opened up
The most frustrating thing about UCLA is the work load and difficult professors for Life Science Majors. All students seeking a profession in the medical field suffer with heavy work loads and challenging science professors. I love UCLA but it is frustrating to see other students having fun and going out while you continue sitting on your desk finishing homework and studying for the next test. Another thing that is frustrating about my school is how large the school is. Lectures have so many students making it harder for one-on-one communication.