University of Florida Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Florida?


How liberal the students and faculty are.


The distance between the administration and students


The overemphasis on science and the extreme neglect of the liberal arts/fine arts! Everyone here seems so focused on providing funding for the sciences (and sports) while the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is suffering from millions of dollars in debt. Teachers are cut all the time from the program while more are hired for research/science because the president believes that this strategy will make it a top 10 school.


It is hard for clubs and organizations to get private rooms to hold meetings and events in.


It can be pretty impersonal at times.


The most frustrating thing about my college is that there isnt enough ideological exchange. I dreamed that I would go to school and I'd discuss issues of morality, religion, politics, and more with my friends and peers. That has not been the case. My school is predominantly conservative. However, there is not a strong encouragement of an open exchange of ideas. I have found it difficult to find friends that are willing to openly discuss and debate ideas.


Academic Advising and Parking/Traffic.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that it is extremely competitive in both academics and athletics. This competitiveness sometimes takes away focus on what is truly important (e.g. family and friends) and brings out the worst in people.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that the budget cuts are servely affecting the integrity of UF. They have resulted in a brain drain of our brightest professors and thus affecting the quality of education the students are receiving. Elective classes and several language classes have been cut because there is no room in the budget for them.


The most frustrating thing is probably the cops that sit at stop signs to pull over bikers. I mean come on, I'm sure there's better things for you to be doing. It's really discouraging for people that want to ride their bikes but not end up with 150+ dollar tickets.