The most frustrating thing about the University of Florida is the learning environments. Classes are usually held in large lecture halls with up to 400 students per lecture. This learning environment is very distracting and in my opinion hinders the learning of many students.
The most frustrating part about my school is having to appy for almost every organiation on campus. At my public high scool we didn't have to do that. It feels like it's almost impossible to get involved unless you were already extremely involve in high school, which I wasn't.
My campus is in Miami, FL, which is quite far from the Gainsville campus, where all of the school spirit resides.
The most frustrating thing about UF is that getting involved socially means having to really know how to manage your time and complete all schoolwork before socializing. Staying in school is a top priority, but everyone wants to make new friends along the way.
The most frustrating thing about my school would have to be the amount of fast food restaurants located on campus. Every time you turn a corner there is some type of unhealthy choice for you to decide upon on. As a feshman this becomes an issue, you're new to the environment so your getting adjusted to the college life, and your always moving around so that unhealthy choice always seems the fast and easiest choice. I wish the University of Florida somehow incorporated healthier choices on campus so I wouldnt feel obligated all the time to make bad choices.
THe dorms too, they are nice, but single rooms are best such as Lakeside or Keys, apartment style with a kitchen and batroom to share with 2 or 4 others is much better than a double dorm style where you share communal bathroom with 26 other people and 1 kitchen. Another is the the wifi, theres no wifi in the dorms, its all via ethernet cord! Running around with your laptop around campus you pick up wfi, but theres no wifi in your dorms...
The University of Florida is a very, large school. It is very difficult to get to know your professors without being perceived as the typical grade-focused, neurotic student. Additionally, creating an intimate learning environment is equally as difficult due to the high number of students present in foundational courses. However, if you are ready to dedicate yourself to create that bond with a professor, then it is not impossible.
That professors are sometimes more concerned with their research than their teaching abilities. Grad students however are very good at teaching and make things very easy to understand.
The most frustrating thing about this university is that it is so large. While the diversity is beautiful it is difficult to find a professor who will take some personal interest in your education. It is difficult to find students to relate to when you have no common ground besides the 50 minutes you have with each other. It is difficult to find a place for yourself in so large a university, to be part of a meaningful community.