Don't just go somewhere, look around see different places. Don't just go there because your parents went there and it is easy. Also, enjoy college, it only happens once, then school is over. Try hard, nothing feels better than making a good grade after studying. Lastly never give up on your dream, as hard as it may get, it makes you a better person, this was best put by Steve Jobs, "Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later." Thank you I hope this will help someone.
The advice I would give to parents and students about selecting the right school is to first pray about it. I believe that when you pray about things that God reveals to you what will be the best school to select. The next thing I would advise them to do is to visit the campus. Go see if that is the type of environment that you can handle, and that should tell it all.
I would suggest them to go somewhere where they feel is comfortable and has a good program for what major or field they want ot go in.
Usually the parents are always right when it comes to choiceing of helping out with the school. Most freshmen need to live at home the first year for really good reasons.
I feel that it does not really matter what college you attend you will get some kind of benefit. The college experience is what one makes out of it.
Finding the right college is extremely important. Future employers are looking at what college a prospective employee attended which speaks a lot on their character and personality. The university I chose to attend was mainly academic/career focused which has allowed me to recieve many job offers before my college graduation. I believe a parent or a future college student should make sure the college they want to attend caters to their interest as well as their intelligence so they may get the most out of their college experience.
Finding the right college is all about finding what fits you as an individual best. Every individual has a different outlook on life and wants to obtain different goals in their lifetime. When a person decides that he or she wants to attend a college there are many aspects of a college students life that they should look into. Some people want to go to college for the sole fact of getting an education and some want to receive a good education while making memories and friendships that will last them a lifetime. The best way to find the right college and the right experience is to dig deep inside yourself and decide what you as an individual want for your life, do not worry about what others think, and do what you feel is best for you and whatever is going to make you happy. A person cannot have a great college experience without doing what they want to do and acheiving the goals that they want to acheive in their college career.
Find and visit schools that most fit your child/you. Be active and take advantage of the plethora of resources on your campus to be. Get to know your professors, network, and major in something that YOU are interested in.
Best of luck!
Let your child choose what college they want to attend...That way, they would be more willing to get involved and do their required work...
When trying to find the right college, I'd always suggest trying to find something that best fits the degree a person is looking for. Currently I'm in a school that is mostly known for it's pharmacy program (I am an art major) it is a bit irritating at times to know that I'm not getting the "best" education possible for my degree. However, it is also important to attend a school that fits a person emotionally and physically, as my school does. What I mean is that my school may not have the best program for me, but the atmosphere here is perfect. I am always happy to go wake up and go to school, instead of feeling its a chore. I think that is very important.
To make the most of the experience, I suggest being sure to get involved! There's more to college than just attending class; a person can learn just as much from joining clubs, greek life, or playing sports (even intramural ones). It also makes college so much more enjoyable and you can meet so many more amazing people. College helps shape who you will be in the future.