University of Louisville Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Louisville? Why?


The worst part about my school is the lack of parking for commuter students. Often students are ticketted because they are forced to park in un designated areas.


athlete oriented (being an athlete) i notice normal students are slightly over looked


I am in the Speed Scchool. Everyone on campus and off knows that it is harder thabn any other major at the unversity , but yet we are graded the same as they are. I was in the honors program but because I am in Speed too, my gpa fell and now I have been kicked out of the program. My gpa should be weighted


There isn't enough on campus housing, so our school is predominantly commuter. It's hard to get commuter students involved, especially when gas prices are so high.


The cost of education keeps increasing each semester when its already too much in the first place!