If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would give the advice that it is important to know who you are before you leave home and go to college. That way it won't be easy to lose yourself when you are meeting so many new people and having so many new experiences. I would reiterate to myself that staying on top of school work is very important because you won't always have someone there reminding you that a paper is due, or that you should get your homework done instead of procrastinating. Especially important is staying in touch with your family and your close friends, so that you have the independence you need, but you are not isolated from your background. Finally, I would tell myself to take a deep breath and take the next step because college is one of the most exciting times of my life and I am going to be learning so much about myself and the world around me... and that the decisions I make during that time will color the landscape that will become my future.
Honestly, the perfect advise would be to challenge myself and dare do things that where not far from my own knowledge. There was a lot of opportunities that I had and for being shy I didn't achieve them. I am a person that is thirsty for adventure and for things that fill my life with excitement no matter what it takes, but I didn't realized that the only obstacle that kept all those wonderful things to happen was me. Another advise would be to take things more seriously and beleiving in myself and not keeping me away from amazing things that I know I can do. Currently, I'm in college and there are many others exciting things to do and I'm trying to defeat that fact that I'm shy by challenging myself, standing for up for myself and giving me a voice, a voice that no matter what it won't be turn off for nothing or anyone. I wish I could back in time and be more involved . I still beleive that doing more things with my life by then would have given me more opportunites and greater things than the ones I have.
' ANYTHING is absolutely possible! ' is what would come flying out of my mouth first if I were to counsel my high school senior self. I would then explain that success is not compromising for someone else's definition of success, and it is okay to let your heart make decisions even when those around you disaprove. I would have encouraged myself to move to California with a couple hundred dollars in my pocket and explore education outside of the scheme I was raised to believe as practical. Take a few months to enjoy the 13 years of education I had just completed and observe the world around myself to find in what and where I could excel and then act upon it with a passion. Embrace the people you meet and smile because you can. Understand that although baby steps towards a goal can be tedious and frustrating, it will reap its due rewards. Then lastly, time will indeed pass by as it always has, so be proactive now, make wise decisions and go to college and excel, finishing in a timely manner so you can enjoy a career that will benefit you and others.
College is nothing compared to high school. Go to college ASAP!!
Advice that I would give myself if I could be a high school senior again would be to go to college to prepare myself for a career that I loved. It is a known fact that if a profession is enjoyable, it does not seem like work and one is happier besides. I wish someone would have told me that when I was finishing high school, because what I was told was that work is a chore to be endured. As I got older, I realized the falseness of this concept. Knowing the truth of the matter, I look forward to bettering myself by going back to school. In this way, I can get a job where I enjoy myself and consequently, be happier.
Another thing I would tell myself is to keep at it to finish school. It may not be the most pleasant, but it will be worthwhile when the diploma is received and the qualifications for a chosen career are met so that path may be embarked upon. I know this now because I have done it the other way. Seventeen years later I still regret not finishing what I started, and my job is not enjoyable.
Hey you....yea you! I know it's your senior year and all, but it's time to think about your future. College isn't like high school; no more extra credit projects, group projects, and teachers just letting you get by. It's time to grow up buckle down and start thinking about your future. Instead of procrastinating about studying for every test, study! Instead of going to the movies on Saturdays, study! Study, study, study, that's the only thing that should be on your mind. Yea I sound like your mom, but when you study you don't have to worry about passing that test. Oh no Ashley's party is Friday... oh well you have time to party later once you finish school. It's time to let the parties, movies, and shopping go to pick up the books. Look there are so many different schools to attend don't wait until the last minute and end up at a community college. I mean there's nothing wrong but you can go farther. Apply for scholarships join clubs do everything you can to stand out; try to be more than the "Average Student"! Good luck!
College is crazy, and nothing like we expected it to be. Homework is so time consuming, but do it as soon as you get it! You don't understand how much trouble not doing homework caused me, well us. Don't be afraid to talk to that boy you meet during orientation, he'll introduce you to the love of our life. Don't be afraid of loving either, fear makes it harder. Don't get too stressed, a result from avoiding homework, it leads to more stress. Don't believe me? I lost our memory due to stress a month before finals, which led to almost getting kicked out of school AND double the course work second semester. Time managment is EVERYTHING. Love our friends, but know you have to do homework too. Save our money!! Getting low adds MORE stress, and yes that is possible. Do things that we love. Try something new, I waited too long to get involved with the worship band and Anthony's signing group. You never know what talents lie within us. We now play guitar and sing in front of crowds, we are so awesome! I guess in short, live it up!!
Take yourself seriously, Lara, take this experience seriously. I know you love life and want to experience everything that school has to offer and learn to be independent and live on your own, but remember these grades are yours. You earn them, good or bad, they reflect you and your attitude about this experience. You may not think that college will be any harder than high school and in some cases you might be right, but mostly they are harder....much harder. You will have to learn to study hard, learn to remember lots of information. High school may have been easy for you and you may have never made a bad grade, but if you don't learn to study you will go from great to average in a minute.
Follow you instincts and find something to study that you love. Don't do what is expected of you and make terrible grades because you're miserable. There are a million choices and things to do. You will figure it out. Life doesn't go in a straight line, you may have twists and turns along the way to get you where you want to go.
If I could go back in time, I'd have a lot of things to say to myself! I'd tell myself to "stop goofing off"" paying attention in highschool was probably the hardest thing to do, if I would have done so, I believe I would be more acceletated than I am. I would also tell myself "do your homework!" Now that I am in college I realize that homework is just more conditioning so that you can do well in the subject, especially if it's math (in my opinion) I need all the extra help I can get in math! Over all, I would tell myself to be more productive in school and "get it together!" I did well in highschool, but I feel as if I could have done much better!
Prestige matters. A degree from one institution is not the same from another institution with a better reputation and is known nationally. Don't be afraid to go somewhat far away from home to college. It's worth it in the long run if you go to a better school of higher caliber.