The first thing I would tell myself, small rural town girl, is to stay close to home. I had many friends who went off to college in more urban settings and many of them were overwhelmed by all of the sudden changes. Although UNC Pembroke was not my first choice, I would tell the past me that I am glad that I chose UNCP to be my undergraduate university because I had a chance to get used to the college experience first before moving away. I feel that I only had to focus on my studies and becoming a well socialized individual as opposed to also getting used to city life. The next most important thing I would tell me would be to study, no matter how boring the class may be. I would tell me to find someone to study with, since I am more motivated if I have someone to bounce ideas off of. The few times that I have successfully participated in study groups I feel that I grasped concepts more with others present. Lastly, I would tell me to experience all that I could, not to let any opportunity go unchallenged. We only have one chance.
The transition from high school to college was a major process. Comparing the two, I would say that the biggest diffrence is the freedom. Along with freedom comes much responsibility and you have to become more dependable for your own sake. If I could go back in time to my high school days I would give myself a few tips as to exactly what to expect. For one, in college there is no time for procrastination. When you are given information to know, you need to immediately begin using which ever studying technique is best. I would also tell myself that I would need to step out of my comfort zone and really begin to talk and meet new people. I have found out that by surrounding myself amoungst older and smarter people I really learn alot.
If I had the ability to go back in time to when I was a senior in high school, there several lessons that I would have taught myself then knowing what I know now about college. Over the course of my two years at UNCP, I have learnt the concept of time managing skills. Procrastination is one of the worst things a college student can do as deadlines approach much quicker than they would have in high school. Making the decision not to participate in extra activates such as partying or staying out late helps me find the time to complete my homework on time and with great quality. One other piece of advice I would give myself is to choose my friends wisely. The past few months I have been involved with friends who keep me in line and make sure I am on the right track while other times I am influenced by friends of the wrong crowd that decides it's better to go out, drink, and party. Choosing the right friends to be around day in and day out have a great influence on the student that I am today.
If were able to travel back in time, I would tell myself to take my time making my descisions on college and what I want to do. With everything that I've experienced and the way I went about it, I wish that I didn't just dive right into school when I had no idea what I wanted. College is about what you want for yourself and your future, not what other's want for you. Do not let anyone try to push you into choosing your school or your program. You want to choose a college that will suit you best, big or small, close to home, or far away. Be careful what you choose though, if you decide just to choose a far away school to "get away", make sure you keep in touch with your family or you may lose touch with yourself.
I would go back and tell Senior me to stay focused. I would tell me to apply myself more in every area in my life. I would stay in school and not become a single mother trying to continue my education at such a late age in my life. College life today is so much harder than it was in 1994. I am proud od my daughter and appreciate life as a whole, but I wish I would have completed my degree early on. I was an over all great student in high school, but my sister was diagnoised with cancer and that changed my whole outlook on life. I became more concerned about her than my own life. I think family comes first no matte what. Life is too short not to cherish the time with the ones you love.
The transition from high school to college will take you by surprise no matter how prepared you may feel. A new place, new people, overall freedom and excitement will be euphoric until that realization sets in. The realization is different for everyone and some handle it better then others, and those who do not handle it end up dropping out. Many students experience homesickness which is a realization to some. Missing family, friends or even pets is the only aspect that you hear about. The reality is you feel alone among a sea of people. Knowing a persons name is not going to replace the relationships you left when you go to college. The other side of that is people do not know you and during this trying emotional time others are collecting first and second impressions of you. In this new found freedom you must stay grounded to your morals and judgment. Be friendly but pick your friends wisely. Enjoy this experience, balance you academics, social time and personal time. Get involved in school activities you will look back and wish you could have done more. Most importantly capture every opportunity to enjoy what college has to offer.
If I could go back in time in life as a high school senior I would tell myself that I should pay attention more to the teachers and listen to them when they were telling me that college life is way harder that the high school life. In high scholl your teachers would tell you what you what had to be done and when it was due more than one time. In college your teacher or profeesor may only tell you that one time and they could care less if you turned it in or not because it was your gradeand it only hurt yourself. College life is way more serious than high school.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would tell myself that college life is a big transition from high school. I would tell myself that I could not do like I used to do in high school and pass my tests by barely studying, or breeze through my homework without almost any thought. I would tell myself that I would have to actually sit down and focus even harder than ever. That no matter what is being said or done around me that I am an achiever and with God all things are possible.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior there would be alot I would say to myself. First off I would just say that it is as hard as I believe it to be. I would tell myself that everything would be ok as long as I apply myself because unlike high school, college takes no crap. Honestly I wish I could go back and talk to myself as a high school junior because that is when I messed up.
Transitioning from high school to college can be very difficult. When I was a senior, I was very worried about how things would be for me once I started college. If I knew the things back then that I know now I would tell myself to relax. My main concern was never the amount of work, the temptation of partying, or becoming unfocused. My main concern was being far away from the people that I knew loved me, supported me, and had my back no matter what. I was scared to encounter people who would take advantage of me and not except me for who I am. I was scared of being alone and not being able to make friends because I was so shy. Thinking back on it, I often feel very silly for having those concerns because I have amazing friends that uplift me, encourage me, and love me for who I am. College is what you make it and so far it has been the best time of my life.