University of North Carolina at Pembroke Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of North Carolina at Pembroke know before they start?


The advice that i would give to myself is prepare instead of procrastinate. I would've said get things done early around the end of my eleventh grade so when transitioning into a senior I wouldn't have so many things to do. Signing up for SAT's & ACT's and paying for all of my college fees would've been my priority and getting them done early. I procrastinated and at the end i suffered. It's so important to prepare and get all your work in and essays and meeting scholarships by the deadline is really important. The worst thing to do is look at all your friends in college and you still don't know where you are going, so that's my advice to prepare instead of procrastinate.


I would have taken more upper classes to prepare me for the classes I will take in college.


I would have told myself to maintain a good work-ethic, and in area's that you need more help in do not be hesitant to get additional help in. For example, I would have worked harder on my writing skills before entering college in order to be at or above the level needed for the college level. And lastly I would have told myself to become more social, because college is way more than what you learn in class but rather what you encounter and the experiences you have.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was in high school, I would tell myself to be more careful of the school I was choosing and to not be in a big rush to get out of Scotland High. Because I graduated a year early, I pushed myself to complete all of my classes and had hardly any time for myself. Now, I wish I could have told myself to slow down, that college would still be there in another year. Graduating from high school a year early made me the youngest student on campus with hardly any people I knew from high school. Now, knowing what I do know, I wish I would have graduated with my original class. I say this because, perhaps, it would've made the transition from high school to college life easier since I was around friends that I had known from high school and not out alone with only one or two people that I knew. But, on a brighter note, by doing the extra course load to graduate early, I learned how to stay calm under pressure and get the work done.


If I could go back in time as a high school senior and give myself some advice with the knowledge I know now, the transition into becoming a college student would have been much easier. The first thing I would tell myself is that in order to stay focused and organized procrastination must be avoided. Although, waiting until the last minute in high school might sometimes be acceptable, it is absolutely not in college. Lastly, I would make sure that I knew the utmost importance of maintaining a positive attitude even in the most stressed times. In order to succeed you have to expect greatness, and the only way to do so is to stay focused with a positive attitude in anything that you try to accomplish.


I would tell myself that its very important to finish what you start. Also that its important to do your very best from a freshman to a senior. University collects all semesters, not just your senior year. And just enjoy your time as a college student.


If I were to have the ability to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to be prepared to become better with time management, to recognize that the school I chose is very different, and to be ready for a culture shock. The southern United States is very different from New Jersey, so be open minded to new cultures and customs. I would tell myself to look into greek life as soon as posible, and most importantly follow my heart in all things and always keep faith in myself. I am about to embark on a journey that will mold the rest of my life and I only get one shot, so I need to make the most of it and use my time wisely.


Do not try to party every night. No matter if you understand the work take sometime to go back over it to refreshing the information in one head for the test.


Two years ago when I graduated high school, I had no idea how important and useful the information I received from my teachers would be when I entered college. It was senior year and no one really wanted to do anything but just play around and waste time. At the time I figured what I was learning wouldn't be any help to me once I graduated, but I was so wrong. Now that I look back at my senior year, if there was any possible way to change it, I would definitely pay closer attention to my teachers and put the extra effort into the class work. Now that I have gotten to college I realize what they were teaching me was very important, and if I had of paid attention the first time I wouldn't have had to endure some of those classes a second time. I defiantly learned the hard way that paying attention is very important.


If I could go back to my senior year in high school and speak to myself, the only advice I would give myself is to stay focus and work for what you believe in. I would tell myself not to let anyone decide for me, or influence my decisions because I know what I'm ready for and without belief in myself then the possibilty going far in life and succeeding would only be apart of my imagination.