Do your best and ever give up...what more is there?
The best advice that i could give parents and students before choosing a college would have to be to go to the college and stay a weekend or a visit during a busy day to kind of get a feel for the college life.
Finding the right college is not easy but one of the main reason why a person should pick a school. The surrounding area needs to be of your liking, whether it is in a city or rural area. The class sizes and the student/teacher ratio is another reason to pick the right school. How far away the school is from your hometown and if you will be able to work or not are more reasons. I also think that finding out if the school has a lot of resources available such as 24 hour library. Making the most out of a college expereince is very important because that is something that will be with you for the rest of you life. Getting to know your professors and getting invovled with many activites on campus is something that I have done and have benefited from it because of all of the opportunities that have been available to me. Being safe and making the right choices are very important. The more that a student is able to have time management the easier the college expereince will be.
My advivce to students picking a college is to pick the school that they think will be beneficial to them and for their future. I also recommend that the student and parents visit the school to get familar with the campus environment. I also recommend once they have chosen the right college that best suites them , to make their experience memoarable and make the best of it.
The best advice you can receive is from students that actually attend the school. Not the proffessors or advisors, the actual students. There are a lot of factors that you will need to consider. Where you want to live, in an apartment or a dorm, or if you want to join a fraternity or sorority. You may or may not know what you want to major in, so talking to the advisors of each department you are interested in will give you more information to base your decision on. All the factors that will determine how your college experience is will also help you choose a college. Also, you may just choose to go the college or university that is closest and most convenient to you. But my main piece of advice is that only students on campus can actually tell you what it is actually like living on campus or not living on campus, social activities that go on, and about extracurricular activities.
Academically....The faculty is willing to spend more time meeting the students needs and pace academically, but this does not allow the same amount of material to be covered at a higher level university. If you child requires teacher's to put more energy into their learning, this school is a great way to meet these needs. If your child can learn a lot of material on their own, and does not require a lot of faculty help, a larger university would be better suited.
Socially...I feel that our school is trying to continuous improve extracurricular activities. At the moment we seem to have a great deal of things to participate in. At the moment I would consider our school a more social school than an academic school, and I hope that will change in the future.
If you can possibly stay on campus for your first year do so. The social interations you make your freshman year will be important. Even though academics is important if you are not enjoying your time with social interations college may not be the best years of your life.
Make sure that the university offers what you want to study!
The best advice I could give a student about college is to find the one that is right for you! Don't go to a school just because it's a big name school or because both your parents went there. Go to a school that offers the courses you want to take and has activities that cater to your needs. Remember, this is your future and not anyone else's!
Parents need to be supportive while their child is applying to college. Applying to school can be a stressful time for some, so parents need to be mindful of that. They need to reassure their child that they will be happy with wherever they decide to go. Support and love is what parents need to show during this time!
Once a student gets to college, he needs to stay focused! Though going out and having fun are good stress relievers, don't let them take your mind off of school. It's really easy to lose focus your first year of college. Get involved in activiites at your school and make the most of campus facilities, especially those aimed toward helping you. You are in control of your destiny!
choos what makes you happy, no one else