University of North Florida Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of North Florida know before they start?


I would say to visit each and every college you wish to attend to get a real experience of what it would be like to live there and go to school there. Take pictures EVERYWHERE you go so you dont forget anything! Do pro and con lists, and parents let the STUDENTS decide on their own!


I think the most important thing when choosing colleges is visiting the campus. You really need to experience the atmosphere, make sure you feel like you fit there. UNF has become my home, I could not imagine spending my college years on a campus I did not feel comfortable with. As for making the most of your experience, break out of your shell! Try new things, but make sure school stays your priority!


When planningg on what college to attend, make sure that you put aside thinking able your social life, meaning where all your friends are going, and search for what best fits you. If you have any concerns about you child not knowing anyone, parents, contact the campus and learn about the counseling and freshmen welcoming events that may be happeneing and encourage your child to attend the scheduled events. I would encourage that every incoming freshmen take part in on-campus housing opportunities, because it helps you meet more people and allows you to slowly, but surely make the transition to living on your own. One more thing that all students must understand is that they are not the only ones who may feel overwhelmed, scared, stressed, or frustrated, there will be thousands around you experiencing those same feelings. Take advantage of this common ground and share your experiences with your peers.


Live in the dorms!!


Be sure that you are familiar with the faculty you will be working with most and their reputation in comparison with other professors at other colleges in the same field. Do some research on the school and go there yourself and see how you feel about the vibe it gives you.


Apply to as many schools as possible. Go and look at the schools that accept you before you make a decision. Don't give up. If you're not accepted to the school you want try try agian. Do not settle!! The world is your oyster and you can do whatever you set your mind to. Take advantage of scholarships and grant before you look into loans because you will surely have to pay them back.


When it comes to finding the right college for yourself or helping your child, there are a few important things to keep in mind. One, you should always visit the college in question. It is important to see where you might be spending the next four to six years of you life. If you don't feel comfortable with the area, chances are, you won't be happy at school. Second, check to see what classes they offer. Many colleges have a list of classes but when you check on them, you might find out that the classes you want are only offered every other year. Finally, when it comes to making the most of your college experience, you need to find clubs and groups that share the same interests as you. Explore the town and make friends. The most important thing to remember is that you are there to learn, and even though it's good to have fun, don't let your grades suffer. College can be the best time of your life. Make it count! Find a college that brings out the best in yourself, because ultimately, you will do better when you are the happiest!


Find a place where you fit in and feel at peace.


Students and parents need to think not only of the academic program and whether it is a good fit, but also about other activities and the atmosphere of the school. For four years, the university is where the student will live, play, and often work. It is home as much as the place the student will sleep. Each school has its own philosophy and areas of emphasis, and it is important that the student feel a part of that in order to get the most out of the college experience. It is also important for the student to take an active interest in what classes will be beneficial and interesting. If one only takes the classes that are required or recommended by the faculty or advisors, opportunities and intersts could be missed. If the student takes a learning approach to college rather than "I just want to get my degree," then college is a great experience that will make one grow in wonderful ways.


I would tell parents and students to take time in deciding which college is right. Look at several campuses throughout theyear before making a final decision. Weigh all the options of location, tuition, educational degrees, activities on campus before making a final decision.