College is the time of your life. It is where you will meet life long friends, and where you will discover who you are. Dont look for a college based on where all your friends go, but where you feel like you will get the most out of it. Also, get involved. Being an involved student helps you understand the ins and outs of the campus. It also allows you to get to meet and experience things and poeple you would have never imagined. Finally, if I could give any advice to a new student, it would be have fun, but dont forget why you are at school. You are in college to learn, and yes, partying can be fun, but at the same time, it can be the reason why you aren't invided back to school. Enjoy the four years, becuase they are the most amazing years of your life.
Research what you and your child is most interested in...sports, greek life, housing, academic help on campus, and what most graduates do afterwards.
Finding the right college is difficult but the best way is to narrow it down is to put things into categories by identifying what you want in your college. For example, deciding the school size, location, and the diversity of the campus. To make the most out of your college experience is to get involved. I started off on the women's soccer team, but found it to difficult to manage soccer and grades, so I traded in my cleats for a job on campus. It's amazing how many people you can meet with a job on-campus, especially since you most likely will see them everyday.
Have Fun! youre only a college student once and its the best time of your life.
I would encourage all students and parents to look into what their prospective colleges have to offer.
The ease of finding help: The school's administration should be helpful, friendly and willing to help the student progress through his or her academic goals.
What they offer: College is a life-changing event for every incoming undergraduate student. Look into what kinds of majors and programs your college has to offer,even if the decision for a major is already made. Chances are that you'll find something else that you may want to try. It never hurts.
Sucess in college? It is very possible!
Keep your goals in mind: Many incoming undergraduates make the mistake of neglecting their work. While there is nothing wrong with having a healthy social life, keep in mind what you're paying for. Why are you in college? Balancing fun and academics is key to success, the most important one to maintain throughout your whole academic career.
In order to make the most of your college experience, have some fun! Just remember to stay aware of your academic progress. Plan your successful future and create some great memories at the same time!
Do online research, go to the school, look around, spend a few days during mid semester, talk to several upbeat looking students, talk to a lot of the faculty and staff, visit the amenities and facilities. Visit several colleges of your choice.
Really try talking to someone who is either currently attending the college you are thinking about going to or is an Alumni of that particular college to get an insider's point of view.
One of the primary objectives in my college search involved finding the appropriate university for my degree focus. This is eccential to ensuring students graduate with as much understanding in their subject matter as possible. Research the stand of the school compared to other schools across the nation.
Many schools across the nation have larger population and in turn, more school spirit but weigh whether this is important to you. I prefer smaller class sizes, more space, closer friends and that's what I found at UNF. If I attended UF instead, there would exist greater school spirit which would be nice but I couldn't live in a city that busy and not as focused on academics. I feel like Jacksonville is ideal for the University of North Florida because it's focused on academics, not so much on drinking and partying, yet on the weekend, friends often retreat to Jax Beaches.
I strongly advise students to visit all of the colleges they are applying to before selecting the one they will attend. When I selected my college, I fell in love with it when I visited. It just felt right...like I was at home.
Also, don't base your decision off of other people. Choose the college that you feel is right for you, and the one that offers a good program in the major you are choosing. If you make the decision to go somewhere just because a friend of yours is going or your parent attended there, you are bound to be miserable. People change and everyone is different so you should make your own decision on where you are going to spend the next 4 years.
There are several bits of advice I would give to a student about finding the proper college to get the most from their experience.
To begin with, I would encourage them to think very carefully about what they want to do. If they have a passion they should pursue that. If they are unsure, I would recommend taking time off before even applying anywhere to discover themselves more and get a better idea of what to do.
After this has been sorted out, the student should look into the schools of interest and find one that fits them in terms of the class size they want, location, and affordability and anything else they may deem important.
Finally, after the student knows what they want to do and where they would like to go, they should write out a plan for their college career and try to stick with that plan as much as possible.