The advice I would give to parents and/or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is to start looking for college chooses earier either in your sopomore or junior year. Once you looked at the colleges your interested in get background on the college and what the process is to applying, the financial aid process, housing, and in general about the college. To make the most of the college experience I suggest living on campus and doing somes school activites to get to know people.
Make sure the college you choose to attend has the major you want to and has all the classes you need available. Talk to current students and past students who will give you honast opinions about the school. Professors and faculty should be helpful yet be able to challenge you. Also see what is around the college as far as stores, restautants and the traffic situation.
Great school. Great value. Choose UNF.
I would tell them to look for a school that talks to them. Visit campuses and make the most of your visit. Don't choose a school because you have family ties there or your friends are going there. College is a time to find yourself and what better way than to find a school that moves/motivates you? Go out and meet people. College is also a time of reinvention, so people can be who they want to be and learn what they want without fear of disappointing someone. Take the time to explore your campus and what the school has to offer. Make the decision for yourself. For parents: be supportive of your children while they make this transition. Afterall, the goal here is an education right?! Education isn't just about academics... we need to look at the big picture and grow as people too.
When searching for the right college, explore all of your options first! Find out if you want to go to a larger school or a smaller school, and make sure that the college or university that you are strongly looking into can provide you with your academic and social needs. Also, campus life is very important, so if you plan to live on campus, explore your options and activities that will be available to you during your on campus stay.
When people say that college is the best time of your life, they really do mean it. To experience this I would suggest that potential students have to know themselves very well. They also have to understand that four years from now they are going to expect different things out of life. What I am trying to say is that students need to find a school that will be interesting enough the first year and professional enough the last few years. It is important for student not to get home sick and that is why a university should offer a lot of activities. These activities should provide satisfaction to different verity of student. The university should also provide student with ways to interact with the potential future employers. A good example of that are career management and specific clubs that bring companies to the campus. Students need to be able to talk about their college experience till their mind starts playing tricks on them. That is why it is important to pick a university with their name written all over it. People remember things that satisfy them and their future!
Get involved on campus and meet people. Whether it be greek life or clubs. visit and see what is available in the area that interests the student.
I found the place that felt best. Jacksonville felt like home and I was just comfortable everywhere. Research anything that offers your major and pick whatever is best for you. You'll know where you are supposed to go to school when you get there. And a college experience is about growing up, moving on, paying bills, making friends and studying. Frats, sororites, sports, bands or whatever your perseption might be doesn't make a college experience. Everyone has this experience differently. Real life and the teen college movies are completely different.
To really Research the School.....
GET INVOLVED! Don't be overbearing. Listen to the cues your kids are giving you, verbal and nonvebal. Start way early with test scores, scholarships, college tours, lenders for loans, FAFSA, career tests, dorm applications, parking passes, and applications to schools. All that can be very stressfull if left to the end and could make for more stress when you find out that there are no dorm spots left, no good parking passes and deadlines have been missed.