University of North Florida Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of North Florida know before they start?


I have recieved friends, knowledge, and skills from my college experience. It has been valuable to attend because it has helped me focus my life and get my priorities straight. It is bringing me closer and closer to the career i am pursuing.


So far, I have only just been enrolled in the summer program at UNF, but i have visited many times on numerous other occasions, including musical performances, recitals, shows, orientation, and many wonderful others. On multiple tours of the school, I have discovered the importance of attendance, because if one attends college regularly and obtains his or her degree, they are much more likely to obtain a job and be able to support themselves and just consider themselves successful. I have not yet experienced, but can only imagine the sense of satisfaction after completing four years, or more, of learning how to succeed in the feild that I wish to pursue. My goal in life, as of right now, is to finish college with honors, only because i know that getting a degree is nearly the only way now, in our recession, to stand a chance at following a steady career, which is possibly the most important thing to accomplish in life, because without financial support and a purpose, no one can survie. As of right now, I se my attendance at college as the most important thing.


As a freshman just entering into my college career I am really looking forward to moving into my future. I think that college will offer me more freedom and independence. The school I have chosen is very welcoming and the atmosphere is very relaxed. Although the academic program will be challenging I feel that my high school years have prepared and that I will be very succesful!


The College experience for my freshman year has been a truly a growing experience as I mature into a young women. College has impacted my life so much becase it has molded me into a more well organized, respected ,responsible, harder working woman and I tell you I love every bit of College. College has really brought out a side of me that I never knew existed. Working hard as ever earning A's and B's on my semester grades and having the Honor to be recognized to serve on the Dean's List, College has really proven that I can do the impossible, you just have to work hard for what you want, it just doesn't come to you. The fact that College gives you so much freedom and responsibilites I feel that the responsibilities I have to deal with help me in a way of becoming a more diligent and trustworthy person because when people see you doing good they will notice and say, "Oh we should have her on our commitee because she is a very well disguished and very organized young women". That is why College is extremly valuable to me.


Through my college experience I have been able to learn independence. Through this independence I've learned that I'm going to make mistakes, and sometimes I'm going to hate myself, or my life but at the end of the day I will know that I've gained experiences and learned. I've learned what I do and do not want in my future. Therefore, in my college experience I now know that there is no such thing as regret because everything you do helps prepare you for your next step in life. No extra class, or knowledge is wasted, and nothing is a waste of time. I've learned there is always time to achieve what you want in life, all you have to do is work hard and keep moving forward because the second you give up is the second you give away your independence, your strength, your you.


From my college experience, I've learned not to sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff. I've learned that not everything is the end of the world as I know it. What happens in my life happends for a reason. Worrying doesn't get me anywhere. I should always take advantage of every opportunity in life that I am given, and I need to give a hundred percent in everything I do. I am the only one who is responsible. I've learned that education is really the core of everything. With the recession we are in, there are a lot of people going back to school to futher their education so they can find a better job. My goal is to finish school and get the most out of my education experience so when I graduate, I have all the skills I need to get the job I want. I am blessed with the opportunitiy to go to school and not everyone gets that opportunity. I've learned to be thankful for everything, and to not take anything for granted.


It was a great experience that I would do all over again.


I started my college career at a community college near home. Since I've been a young girl, it has been my dream to move to Chicago and study architecture. Three years after high school, and one associates degree later, I'm ready to make my dream a reality. Community college after high school was not my first choice, but looking back now, I'm glad I chose that route. Starting at a community college helped to make the transition between high school and college easier for me; I believe it will also help make the move from home to Chicago easier as well. My choice has been valuable to me because while I was home I was able to research and visit different universities that could potentially be my next school. The advisors at the community college were able to contact the universities and help me set up a schedule with credits that would transfer once I got my degree. Now, having my degree, I feel as though I am more employable to companies of my career choice as either an intern or new employee. The best part, I received three years of education on community college tuition rates!


I have gained so much out of my first year in college. I have learned that I can make it on my own with minimal support from my parents. For someone who has grown up very close to their family, its been hard to be four hours away. I have joined a sorority and learned many things about myself through the girls i have met. We do everything together, and if it werent for them i wouldnt have the support and be pushed the way my family had been while living at home. It has been so valuable to attend because the class sizes aren't as intimidating as a larger university and you can really get to know your professors and classmates. Everyone around you wants you to succeed and everyone pushes you to reach your goals. I love my university and i can't picture myself anywhere else.


I have learned a lot so far in my first year at University of North Florida. I love the small school feeling and wasn't sure if i was going to but now i have realized that i enjoy it a lot more. I also really like the school spirit at the games. I have learned to live on my own in a dorm and i have learned how much money you need to live off of.