University of North Florida Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of North Florida know before they start?


I would advise myself to be more cautious when talking to advisors. I would suggest getting second opinions and not taking everything at face value. I would also warn myself about not taking too many courses than I can handle. I tend to be ambitious, sometimes to a fault. Everyone needs a break once in a while- even me. Most importantly, I would teach myself to learn the material presented in my classes well instead of memorizing the information just long enough to pass the test, then deleting it from my memory. This would not only be beneficial when it came time for final exams, but it would also be helpful in the next level class as well as when I take the MCAT my Junior year. Finally, I would explain the importance of networking. Other students can be extremely helpful when studying, and becoming acquainted with professors has benefits both inside and outside of the classroom.


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I would tell myself to put more effort into the people that I met, such as my room mate and the people I regularly saw in my dorming community. At some times, I got so stuck on the petty high school relationships I was attempting to keep that I didn't focus on building stronger relationships with the people around me who were trying to get my attention. I would tell myself to take advantage of the classmates who especially wanted to get together in study groups, and to get to know the awesome R.A. that I had, because these are the people who were reaching out to me while I was in the process of transforming into the person I am going to be for the rest of my life, while the friends I made in high school elected to bail out in the end.


I would tell myself to take all my time and energy to apply for as many scholarships as possible because, I will desperately need the extra money for school to avoid working. I would also tell myself to "STAY AWAY FROM CREDIT CARDS"! They will be passing them out like candy and will lure you in with food and gadgets that will entice college students. I would say party less and spend more time studying because; flunking semesters are detrimental to your entire college career. I would tell myself to take the extra financial aid money and invest some of it. Also take the loan money and invest it so that once I'm done with school and the investment has grown, take the money the government gave me for school, and pay them back, to pay off all my student loans. This will leave me debt free once I leave college. I would also tell myself if at all possible avoid taking out loans all together but if it's not avoidable invest. I would also tell myself to make all my professors from the beginning year my allies because you will need them if your grades are bad.


Get as involved as possible. You don't know it yet, but this is essential to becoming a well-rounded person. This also helps to boost your resume and shows college admissions that you are committed to campus life.


Even though I am currently both a high school student and a college student,(Running Start program) I am going to perceive this question as if I would compare myself and how I changed from this last year and this current year as opposed to me staying in high school for four straight years. I would like to send the following message to the alternate me. Dear Zakeel, You are approaching a very special point in your life, the decisions that you make this year will manipulate how the rest of your life goes. School is of importance but there are more important things in life than school, work, relationships, and looking fresh. While you might not immediately understand the importance of this letter I urge you to put a reminder in your phone to read this again and agian throughout the year. You immerse yourself in an atmosphere where you could feel comfortable for the rest of your life, contradiction to everyones belief that life is about success in terms of money. Live life and enjoy it's too short, forget about sneakers and partying. If my life goals have changed this much from school, think Zakeel.. Sincerely, You


The advice that I would give myself as a high school senior would be to study hard and don't fool around so much. College is a very important step towards your future, and you don't want to mess that up.


As a child I knew I wanted a higher education, I knew I wanted to attend college. In 1981 I would have been a high school senior. However, I became a teenage mother and had to quit high school upon completing my junior year. By age 19, I had two children. The next 30 years were devoted to their well being. I am recently divorced and I set out to gain the education that had eluded me all those years ago. I enrolled at Somerset Community College and just completed my first semester. If I could go back in time and talk to myself, knowing what I know now about college life I would tell myself to stay focused, with an eye on the prize. That it was everything I thought it would be and more!!! That I could do it then because I am doing it now, with a vengence!!


If iIcould go back in time I would give my high school self amazing advice! I would first tell myself to study more at home. I would thoroughly explain the importance of actually knowing the material. Knowing the basics securely makes college 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} easier and also gets you in the repetition of doing homework at night. It also prepares you for those college late nights. I would also take advantage of the more successful students in my class and try to develop study partners to help better understand the material.


I would visit more colleges while students were in session, and plan to stay at least a weekend with an underclassman. I would worry more about five years from now instead of just my freshman year. I would have also taken more AP classes to avoid having to take any summer school classes (a Florida requirement).