If I were to go back in time and give myself advice about how to adapt to college life the most valuable information I would pass on would have to do with interacting with people. I would advise myself to work to improve my people skills in order to better interact with classmates. I would advise myself to live with as few other students as possible, so that I would have an easier time adjusting to my "home" environment. I would also try to explain to myself that I should be confident in myself even if I am unsure of the situation. I realize that I am an educationally driven student, but that I do not interact as well as I should with others. This was the most difficult part of adjusting to college life for me, as I was already used to the work load. I would advise myself to be as open as possible and to interact whenever I am given the chance.
I would make much more of an effort in my science courses, they do matter.
College is expensive and there are opportunities available to help students fund those expenses. I feel that finding financial aid for school was something I did not concentrate on; I simply assumed my parents would help me through. Even though I did receive some scholarships and my parents helped me with books and miscellaneous expenses, I wish I had spent more time or had someone advice me on where to find funding for school. I also feel that I would advise myself to get involved in the community in the area I was studying. I wanted to become a physician and spent over 200 hours volunteering in various medical centers only to decide halfway through college I did not want to become a doctor. I switched my major to physical therapy because I had spent time at a rehabilitation facility and absolutely loved the profession. Becoming involved early on will help solidify the choice a student makes as to whether the degree is an appropriate one or, like me, will allow time to change your mind. It was, without a doubt, the best thing I could have done and completely changed my future.
In high school, if one does not "fit in", they are made fun of and excluded from several "in-crowds". High school is all about the social life and the clicks, and while there are still clicks in college, mainly by fraternities and sororities, you don't feel judged if you are different from others. The advice I would give to myself, is to keep exploring the eclectic interests I had. To not feel pressured by others to fit a certain look or mold to please others. There are going to be judgemental people everywhere you go. However, in college, instead of looking at you like something is wrong with you, most people are more interested in learning from you. They are more curious about learning cultural differences, tastes, opinions and why you have them. From a wide range of hippies, jocks, intellectuals, and musicians, there is so much to learn and absorb from other people. College life encourages being liberal and open to people who look and live differently from you. In conclusion, keep being the person you are growing to become without fear of others rejecting you in any way.
Since beginning college, I have learned who I am. By learning from so many different professors and studying numerous subjects, my beliefs underwent a reformation. I have discovered what I stand for and the reasons for which I choose to stand for or against certain ideas and topics of controversy. College has given me the opportunity to learn about different fields of studies in relation to possible career futures, leading me to making my decisions regarding my future career and life path. My college experience has built my determination and passion to reach the professional goals in law. Through my college experience, I have discovered my identity. My passions and desires have become clear to me and I am very grateful for that. College has created a confidence in my future that I did not have before attending such a school. I would strongly recommend attending college to anyone that finds their self lost and unaware of which life path they should take. College has aided in shaping me into the person I am. I know that I will be able to look back on my college experience as the stepping stone that led to my successful future.
College has opened my eyes to the real world. Financial problems as well as educational learning, has molded me into a more mature person. UNF has taught me that the world isn't as small as one may think and that no matter how much you think you may know, there's always new information out there for you to find.
In High School college was always an iffy topic. I was never sure if that was the route I wanted to take, but eventually I did, and I am glad too. I had no idea how beneficial college was until I actually enrolled in it. My experience allowed me to realize that college cannot hurt you just help you, well it can hurt your wallet, but that is beside the point. I am majoring in Culinary Arts and Nutrition at Hawaii Community College, and I just love this school. Here they believe in hands on training, and hands on is exactly what we receive. I originally thought that I would be in a class all day reading and studying books, and listening to lectures, but not here. Here at Hawai'i Community College the instructors try hard to apply 50 percent of instructional time, and 50 percent of hand's on training, and it is that very fact the makes college beneficial for a lot of us, because we are receiving a great education, and gaining real world experience that would better prepare us for our future careers and goals. That is why I value College.
My college experience means everything to me. Before I started college I was very antisocial and I hated the world. While at college I learned to love my fellowmen and to enjoy interaction with others of all backgrounds. The students that attend here are of the highest caliber. This campus provides so many resources to help every student that attends here. The staff and faculty are exceedingly personal and do all they can to help each student. The education I have received has been superb. The classes were very personal and the instruction was terrific. I learned many things not just for my educational future, but for my whole life. Knowledge really is power and I have gained more than just knowledge during my time at Brigham Young University. I have gained a whole new perspective on the world. I have gained much wisdom and a mind that is open to new ideas. I have come to appreciate people of all races and cultures for the many valuable things that they offer. I feel comfortable and safe here not just physically, but also intellectually and emotionally. I would not trade my time and experiences here for anything in the world.
By attending college i have learned and experienced things that will forever effect my life. By moving out on my own and attending school you truely learn responsibility and discipline. Living at home you are told what to do and how to live without really making decsions on your own. By moving out and going to school because you want to fulfil your own asperations brings you that much closer to becoming the person you were meant to be. You grow in so many ways, and in just four years the experience of college will make you into an adult that can successfully take on the real world. There will always be distractions, college helps you learn to make the right decisions and stay on the track.
What I have gotten out of my college experience is the incredible oppurtunity to see that I need growth, and the oppurtunity to achieve that growth on my campus. They don't bottle feed you on campus and clearly when you go from high school to college you "know" it will be different but you can't expect what you have never before experienced. The college experience has been so important for me because I'm treated like an adult and get to experience that independence and responsibility. At the same time it's been an incredibly humbling experience because low and behold...I didn't know everything! When for so long (and as I assume most young adults believe) I thought I knew it all. I now get to see how naive I am, and the unexplored frontier that lies before me that beckons me forward. Now that I see that I don't know everything I am not discouraged by my novice status but rather excited that I have so much out there to grasp.