University of North Florida Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of North Florida know before they start?


To be honest, I really don't feel like I have gotten a whole lot out of my college experience. I sometimes feel as though I'm there only to receive the piece of paper at the end, which will open up more job opportunities for me. I know I'm learning some, but I just feel like some things are pointless and a waste of my time. However, we do have to do observation hours and pre-internships, which are teaching me a lot. It really helps to be submerged into your field of study, in order to see what really goes on and what it's really like. Overall, I just think that college could be minimized to what we really need to know, instead of pointless classes that help colleges make money. But in the classes that are important to me, I do learn a lot and enjoy learning.


I goofed off in high school and wasn't accepted into any colleges except community college and at first I thought it was a bad thing until I realized I had found the place that was going to make me into an adult. I work harder than I ever have, I am an EMT and I will remember all those teachers that pushed me and never let me get away with not getting my work done. I have learned more about the world I am living in and how I make a difference in these last 2 years than I have my entire life and I owe it all to the fact that I am still in school and doing my best to create a future for myself.


I know how much my education is worth and I know I am lucky to attend a university as many people in this country do not get the opportunity to finish high school. I have put myself through college and it has been a long road. I have learned many things along the way. The most useful lesson has been on money and how to handle it when you have none. Through college, I have been very creative with food, things to do with my free time, and how to live under such an insane budget. Most of all, I have had a lot of fun. I have been places I never would have gone if I hadn’t gone to college. I went with my university to Guatemala in March, I went to Washington D.C. last year and toured the White House and Pentagon and I have made some great connections that will help me when I graduate. My parents have been hit with the economic troubles and are unable to help me with college. I know that it hurts them more than me that they cannot help. Thank you so much for your consideration.


The most important thing I feel I have gotten out of my college experience are the connections I have made to my professors and the people who were around me. Because of my college experience I have people I know and can rely on professionally. College is where education becomes a voluntary choice about the path you take for your life and career. Your degree path will lead you to be surrounded by professors and other students who have chosen career choices similar to yours. These are the people you are going to be with spending days, weeks, and months, preparing and studying. When you are done with college, these people will be your collegues or your close friends whom you share professional interests. These connections are absolutely invaluable for your future., whether you are exploring job opportunities, making professional intruductions, or working together in order to solve problems or learn from each other. Online college classes and non-traditional education may give you the knowledge that you need to complete your degree or find a job. They wont, however, provide these connections or the environment for collaboration and learning that a college campus and a classroom will provide.


Leadership, presentation, scholarship, philanthropy; all of these things I've learned while attending the University of North Florida. By becoming actively engaged in my campus community through serving on Greek Council, working for the Campus Activities Board and being the president of the Public Relations Student Society of America's UNF chapter I have been able to fine tune my leadership skills, expand my network of colleagues and friends as well as learn what it takes to engage students at a non traditional commuter school. All of these things I couldn't have learned in the confines of a classroom or from the pages of a textbook. It is only through the numerous opportunities that UNF offers through its over 150 campus clubs and activities that I've grown as a person and become a polished and professional young woman.


I personally have recieved a lot of helpful concepts in college. College has matured me and made myself a respectable woman. College has given me my new way of living, growing into an adult, and taking full responsibilities. I value this. Without what i have learned in College thus far I do not think I would be able to mature into a ideal adult that College has turned me into.


I have been at the University of North Florida for just a semester as a freshman and greatly enjoy it. I have learned that time management and hard work is very important in keeping my academics in order and being able to have time to relax. I also have learned that there is great diversity in race and beliefs on the campus and in the world which I greatly enjoy and am interested in learning more about. I think it is valuable to attend since it has high standards to be accepted and that only a certain number of students are accepted each year. I feel that I am a student who is genuinely cared about in my academic and personal life. It is my second home and I am proud to be an Osprey.


My college experience has shaped my entire life in a way that I never imagined. It has been a journey and something that I can look back on with fondness, realizing that these were the years that really changed the direction of my life. At the University I was able to realize my potential and with the help of some of the best mentors/professors in the field I was also able to figure out who I am and what I really want to do. The University has been invaluable in that regard and given the chance to go to a different University, I would choose this University again with reservations.


As a future educator, my college has provided my with many different field experiences where I am able to witness both example teachers and non-example teachers in their work environment. My college has provided me with the greatest experiences both in the college classroom and in the classroom with local teaching professionals and with students. I have been able to participate and facilitate many behavioral analysis studies, reading case studies, and other student-life impacting tasks. College has not only given me the opportunity to conduct these studies, but the knowledge and experience on how to conduct them properly. I value all the knowledge and experiences I have gained in my college experience and feel readily prepared to use them in my own classroom.

