University of North Florida Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of North Florida know before they start?


It would be more helpful to talk to myself as a freshman for that was when I did most of my slacking. But if I were able to talk to myself senior year I would have told myself to get my applications in sooner and apply for scholarships earlier. The transition itself was easy. Having gone to Stanton College Prep I was well prepared for the difficulties of college classes, over prepared in fact for I find college must easier and less stressful than Stanton was. Mainly I would tell myself to get financially sound for that is the biggest problem I have with college. Also, by telling myself to apply earlier, I could have ended up at UCF which is where I wanted to go. But because I didn?t put in my application soon enough there weren't enough scholarships left to allow me to afford housing and tuition. All in all I made the transition quite nicely and, with the exception of applying earlier for colleges and scholarships, there isn't much that I needed to change.


Get involved before you start classes. Not only is it hard to start at a new school, but college is unlike anything I've ever had to deal with before. It is the biggest step towards adulthood. Also, figure out the layout of the school and where your first semester classes are before the first day. Another good thing to do while still in high school is to save, save, save! While you may have help with tuition, there will still be events that you will need a little extra cash for!


As I prepare for college, I would of definetly done more preporation for my future destination. Even though I was very involved, I wish I would of done more academic training. The transition in my opinion, is no big deal but to be successfull in college, I realized that it's all about preporation. Therefore, if I could do it all again I would stay social, but increase my work habbit so I could accomplish college's tasks.


Don't freak out about college, it is overwhelming but definitley amazing! There is plenty of time to figure out what you want to do. It goes by really fast!


The most important advice I could give to myself is time. This single word describes every single aspect of a person's college career. Time can refer to the deadlines that our professors give us for assignments and projects. It can describe how long we have to understand material required to pass exams. It may describe the four years that we have to prepare ourselves for a professional career in demanding fields. It can mean the lack of time to be young and have fun. The one attribute of time that is always the same is the lack of time. There is never enough time to have all the fun we want, to learn all the material, to ace every exam. We can only budget our time and make the best of it. Never waste a minute of time worrying about the lack time, you will never change that; stay active and always move foward. Do not worry about being behind your schedule because nobody is always on top of their schedule; the most successful people can not maintain their schedules as far as their families are concerned. College time may be short; but it is the most important time.


Be more assertive and take advantage of the opportunities available to you! I am a fairly introverted person and do not often take risks. If I were able to go back to my senior year of highschool I would try and convince myself just to put myself out there: Go ahead, introduce yourself to everyone you run into or go participate in that activity. It is not easy for a person who oftens stays within his comfort zone. But that is a key area that people need to get out of if that is how they live their life. I mean, it is so easy to live in comfort, but you miss out on so much. There are so many possibilities out there to try. Why not live life in the moment? So, that is what I would try and convince to my highschool senior self. I knew it in highschool I would say. Yet, it is quite a bit harder to do something than just saying it.


First and for most as a senior in high school i should have taken more of an initiative to apply for many different schools and many scholarships. I also wish I wasn?t so afraid of being denied by schools and doing bad on my SAT's. I would have liked to have gotten better grades on my SAT's to have been able to attend at bigger university. But, this worked out for the best because I love where I'm at now! Also I should have had more confidence in myself and moving away. I stayed at home for the first two years because I didn?t feel I could do it on my own. Now that I have stepped out of my box and made a new home for myself I am in love with the new chapter of my life and I cant wait to see where it will take me!


If there was the opportunity to go back and talk to myself, I am certain to tell myself to find an interest in a subject and develop into it, or progress into a passion/hobby because future self took three and a half years to finally discover her capabilities and interests and what she wanted to do in life. If I were to meet myself in the beginning of my senior year, I would have told myself to make the most of my senior year and be socially active. If I were to meet myself by the end of the year, then I would have told myself to be active and socially involved in the beginning of my freshman year in college. More importantly I would have told myself to step out of my comfort zone and take a risk once and for all despite being socially awkward, because that one step makes the next one so much easier. The final thing I would tell myself is that no matter what path I choose and how it could change the outcome of my future, I must apply for ?the? internship that changed my life and my path for the better.


I would tell myself that it is nothing similar to high school, it is a completely new experience so to keep an open mind. I would also tell myself not to worry so much, that I am going to do ok!


When it comes to making decisions about college, do not be afraid. Growing up one views college as a major step into adulthood. It is, but it is a step that should be looked forward to not looked at anxiously. One should not let fear deter him/her from taking a chance on a college that may be better suited because it is far away and he/she may not know anyone. College gives one the opportunity to explore and make new friends, as well as giving the opportunity to learn more about oneself. It offers diversity that one may not have been offered at one's hometown. Take the opportunity without waivering and remember that it is not just oneself that is plunging into college life. There is a myriad of other students going through the same thing, and once in college one can go through it with his/her new comrades. So, take a leap of faith and choose a college that is right for oneself no matter the qualms.