I would tell myself not to party so much my freshman and sophomore year so although my G.P.A. is good not as high as it should be. I would tell myself to become a little more active on campus.
I would tell myself to look for a school with a small class size and stduent to teacher ratio. This will give me the opportunity to have a better relationship with my teachers and they are more willing to help me if I have any problems. Also, I would look for a school with cheaper on campus housing. Also, I would look for a school with a better parking situation so that way I don't have to park so far away from my apartment and my classes. I would look for a school that does not revolve around the fraternities and sororities on campus as a way of having fun. Also, I would have said that I should find a school that offers more financial aid that will help me pay for school and my dorm. I would make sure to tell myself to be more open to people. I shouldn't be so shy or else I won't make friends that I will have when I'm out of college. I would look to be more involved in school activities because this would help me befriend more people on campus.
Assuming I had the chance to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself the following advice:
"Make sure you talk to people at the University; go online, see what others have to say! Find out about the professors before you take a class not during add/drop week. Find out which colleges are accredited and don?t take a professor in a prerequisite class just because you heard he/she was easy; you?re going to need that stuff later on!"
If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would make sure to tell myself to really know how to time manage everything that I'm involved in. Knowing that I liked to get involved in high school and that I will want to in college, I know that I sometimes put social activities before schoolwork. With this being the case, I know that would definitely make sure to tell myself that I really need to time manage all my activities and really prioritize everything that I will want to be involved in. Also, I tend to have a quick hand when it comes to spending money, so I would make sure to tell myself to set a budget and make sure that I stick with it, even if it means missing out on some stuff. It's better to miss out on one event than to go bankrupt because of it.
Study consistantly. Start homework on the day it is given. Do not miss any class more than once, no one can afford it. The Academic Center of Excellence(ACE) is there to help you. In lecture halls, bring a recorder. but ask the professors for permission before hand.
I would say to myself to get involved in more activities outside of books, studying and acedimics. That it's not all "booksmarts" that lead you through life. It is imparative to have a well balanced mixture of friends and different outlets to plug into to help you gain success to the fullest! I would also say to stop being afriad to date and have fun with my friends. That studying and living up to my parents expectations does not have to be my whole life. It can be part of it and even the focus while still having fun and experiencing life. I would also tell myself that I've done a great job in school and the I have a lot to be proud of. To stop feeling like I'll never get to the top of the mountain and conquer highschool. Just relax and take it one day at a time and eveyrthing will work out. Ohh, and that cheese strips are not everything! Branch out and buy something different!!
I would tell myself to expect the college work load to get harder as the year progresses. It is important to know what your major is and the aspects of the field and what it means for you in the future. I would also tell myself to look for scholarships because times will be financially rough. I would say that it is important to surround yourself with people who want to educate themselves and live successfully. It is important that you stay focused on school and never give up when classes seem hard. Once school starts, there is no time to be lazy and you will always have deadlines for class assignments. It's imperative that you do your best and teachers will notice the commitment you are putting forth.
If I could go back in time and speak to myself about the transition into college, I would tell myself to live life to the fullest with my family and current friends. When in high school, one has the feeling that your current friends are going to be your friends forever. What I did not realize is that once you go to different colleges, it is easy to lose touch; especially once you make friends on campus. What I also did not realize is that once on campus, it is difficult to see your family. If not doing homework, the campus has club meetings, concerts, movies and plays. Then you also have friends that you want to hang out with, so some times it is a little hard to find the time to drive home. So my advice would be to live high school life to the fullest, because college will be a very different, fun, and busy experience.
The advice I would give myself as a highschool senior would be to make sure to learn how to study. High school came easy to me, and I did not have to study very hard. In college, the classes get harder, and it is always good to have a balanced study skills. I would make sure to tell myself to keep my eyes open, and be ready for change, because college is a very diverse culture and involves a lot of adjusting. Great friendships will be made, and some will be lost but it is very much worth it.
I would tell myself to strive for the best and go after my goals with full speed and make sure I have everything in order before I do anything. I would tell myself to be courageous and confident in my abilities, and to take every opportunity that I'm given to build me as a well-rounded individual. I would also tell myself to enjoy life along with studying hard, and to keep my focus on God and my faith strong. I would tell myself to just be me!