University of North Florida Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of North Florida know before they start?


Parents need to take a step back and let the student follow his/her dreams and goals. While all parents want to see their children succeed, it is important to remember that mistakes are also a part of the learning curve. Have the student list what are the ten most important things in his/her life, such as friends, activities, music, or other aspects of his/her life that make him/her a unique individual. Keep these items in mind when researching colleges. A student who enjoys privacy and the simple pleasure of reading in a park may not fit well on a party campus of 40,000 students, but may find the right fit at a smaller, private college. Additionally, the student's career choice is a major factor when researching colleges. In the end, it is the student who will have to decide if the fit is right and parent's should support the stduent in his/her decision.


Make sure the school that is chosen has a good academic foundation and has plenty of academic help as well as finacial help. Also check out the hosuing that the school offers because it might not be easy to get. Most importantly make sure the school offers the program in which the student deciedes he/she wants to get a degree in and try to get in the school that offers the best program for the major. Another important thing to think about when thinking about choosing a school is the environment as far as safety goes because that is a big key part when choosing a school you must feel safe going to class everyday.