University of North Florida Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of North Florida know before they start?


Finding a school that is actually centered around th einterest of the students is important and a school where alot of the alumni actually give back as well as support there school says alot about the school itself.


My advice for finding the right college would be to forget about where your friends are going and really think about what kind of environment you learn best in. For instance if you learn better in smaller classes look into colleges that offer mostly smaller classes, much like UNF. In order to make the most of your college experience you just have to get out there and get involved. One way to get yourself out there to meet people is to live on campus. When you choose to live on campus you are always on campus and that makes it easier to meet students around you and get involved in on campus activities. The most important thing is to just be yourself and learn to balance school and fun.


I would tell parents to find a school that encourages their child and for the students that are looking for a college pick one that you will feel apart of when you visit the campus. Don't pick a school out becuase of its ranking, pick one that has a close student to teacher connection. Pick a school that can help you and not treat you like a number.


I am a firm believer that neither parents or counselors can make a student do anything. The trick is to help students realize the importance of their life and the difference that they can make in this world through obtaining an education. Students must have a value of self and a vision for their future. If students can be led to this truth in high school, I believe that the right choices of colleges will be made and students will feel at home in thier respective universities. If students like where they are and have a sense of pride in what they are doing (ie: students that take pride in their school and in the education path that has been chosen), the college experience of these students will be lived to the fullest extent.


Look for a college that suits your needs! There are so many options and choices! Have fun looking around and don't be afraid to ask questions. Once you begin make sure to enjoy all the aspects of college life. Get invovled, be social and friendly. I'd definately recommend living on campus the first year because that forces you to get out and meet people! There are going to be ups and downs but all the experiences will benefit your future!


A student will change their major atleast 2 or 3 times while in college. So absoultely knowing what one is going to do in life is near impossible. What's important is knowing that the college/university has a variety of majors to choose from in all fields. The university should be well established, and the post-graduate career rate should be high.


I think in finding the right college, students and parents must visit the campuses to really get a feel for the atmosphere. In visiting it is important to ask questions such as, "Will I be able to be successful here?" ,"Can I focus and relax here?", "Is there enough variety of activities to be involved in?". I think really after attending is when you will feel if it is the right college for you or not. To make the most of your college experience, you should really seek involve yourself in activites and attend events that you are attracted to and also some that take you out of your comfort zone. I think to make the most of your college experience and really to make the most out of life is to experience things and talk to people that you wouldn't naturally. College is a world of opportunities that prepares you for a bigger world with bigger opportunities, make the most of it!


The best thing to do when looking for a college to fit your needs is to research the available programs and their accredidations. Also it is good to check out the campus, activitites, library, and sit down with the academic advisors. I happen to have a great experience with my academic advisors and they are very hands on with helping me and others in my program with staying on top of my classes and keeping me on track. My experience has made me strongly consider getting my masters with them and possibly my doctorate. Feeling comfortable and finding a school that you know will help you stay focused and succeed is very important.


i would look for a school thats fits your learning and personal ideals. do not pick a big school just because your friends are going, since most schools arent the same for each student applying. you should choose a school that you can succeed and get the most out of that school. have fun picking out your school and its a great time so cherish it.


Explore all of your options to make sure you get what you want. Study hard and don't completely isolate yourself from everyone, you might need them oneday! :)