My college experience has been ongoing and an awesome one. I hope that I never want to stop learning. I believe that originally when I received my Associate in Nursing and worked for 10 years that laid a good foundation. Then I went back to pursue my Bachelors degree, and focused more on the research aspect. Nursing is mainly based on evidence based research now, so I learned how to put my knowledge to good use in providing care for my patients. As time has progressed, I would now like to obtain my Masters in Nursing then a Post Masters certificate in Nurse Practitioner of Clinical Nurse Specialist to focus more on a specialty in Nursing. I have two teenage children who watch me continue on in school, and I believe it is leaving an impression on them to continue learning. I believe there may be a time when we are all in college together.
I have learned that college can be a complete waste of time if you are not studying what you want. If you are only going to school for money and not for your interests, then what was the point of higher education? And while there are people who are willing to help you, you have to first be willing to help yourself. You can only go as far as you want in life if you are willing to take yourself there.
When I entered college, I was still in my high school element. I didn’t use my time wisely, didn’t study as much, and didn’t care as much. During my freshmen year, I took a course to help me manage my time and money. I learned how to set up a studying process to help me pass my exams.
I have made many friends and gained an interest in pledging to a sorority within the next two years. I plan to transfer from community college to a university after I obtain my Associates Degree in Nursing. I have learned how to communicate well in any environment, for any audience. College gives you more freedom than high school. But with more freedom, comes greater responsibilities.
It has been valuable to attend because college is a whole new dimension to prepare ourselves for the life ahead of us. We are flourishing as students in several aspects. College shapes us into who we are today, to have a strong foundation and to be well-rounded. In most fields, a college degree is needed to pursue a career. A higher education molds us into today’s successors, innovators, and creative minds.
At 25 I look back at my college years as the best years of my life. Why? One word describes it all- FUN.
Imagine being out in the world, on your own, for the first time ever. Imagine living with strangers who become life-long friends. Imagine learning as much as you can from the time you spend in the classroom, then applying that knowledge to the problems you face in life. Imagine waking up in the morning not knowing where you are, but knowing who you are, and where you're going.
College isn't about cramming for exams, it's about finding yourself. College isn't about boring lectures, its about discovering your niche. College is networking and mind-expanding and every day feels like anything is possible.
I may not remember everything I learned in the classroom at my college, and I may cringe at the amount of money I owe in student loans, but I'd do it all over again... in a second. Why? Because it was the best damn time of my life.
I have made new friends. I have learned to value my education and work hard to be successful.
I have learned through college the importance of life management. In order to succeed you have to understand your priorities. Before college I didn’t really understand where I should place my focus. Through my failures I have learned where to put my time and energy. The second most important thing I have learned is the value of good communication skills. I think that sometimes what separates one job candidate from another is how well they communicate and relate to the people around them. College taught me how to communicate and get along with others. Before school I thought that it was all about getting a degree but if you get that degree and haven’t learned anything from college outside of academics you won’t get very far.
Throughout my college experiences, I have realized the importance of always growing and improving in many areas of my life. With college I have had the opportunity to learn about different cultures such as sign language and the deaf community, different religions, arts, and literature through my humanities class and the history of our country through my history classes. And, I would love to continue my journey of learning, further develop my skills and grow as a person. College has been extremely valuable in my life because it has taught me the importance of preparing well regardless of the assignment. An added beneft of preparing well is an elevated level of confidence.
Being a student at the University of North Florida was a good experience. I met great people that ended up in life long relationships. However, when it boils down to academic experience, I would rate it a 7/10. I would have recieved much mroe knowlegdge at a more larger college such as University of Florida.