University of Phoenix-Online Campus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Phoenix-Online Campus?


Student slackers. Yes, I said it, and they know who they are. They exist.


Having to finish homework in a weekly basis, even during the weekends. It should not be frustating if the work gets done on time.


I am in online school so when I have a question it takes too many days to get a response. All my work is put on hold until I hear from my instructor.


My own anxiety. The instructers can't see my anxiety and therefore are unable to take action to relieve it. I have to acutally contact them and let them know if there is a problem. This is a rare problem, with execption to the last week of each class when I stress about my final grade.


My schooling is completely online. It does take some getting used to . Different deadlines, and havingto rely on the internet so much. I am not sure that it is as frustrating as it could be it just takes some getting used to.


I cant find anything that is frustrating about this school.


The most frustrating thing for me about UoP is that some of the classes you work as teams so your grade often depends on the input from other students as well as yourself. There is a team legend that is submitted and if you do not fill it out properly stating who is responsible for what then everyone is responsible for everything. the solution to that is to stay on top of everything and all team members. Be proactive.


Putting in the time and effort to get the grades that I want.


Nothing is very frustrating about my school, however if you are not self disciplined to complete the work ontime it can be stressful. I have self discipline so I enjoy it.


There really hasn't been anything too frustrating that I didn't already know would occur. Being that I am going back to school in an on-line environment, it is sometimes difficult to communicate because there isn't the person-to-person contact, everything is done via phone , email, or class discussions.