The lack of communication, feeling as is when I have an issue I have to explain two to three times.
The most frustrating thing about my school would have to be that I could not get credit for submitting my assignments early. They must be submitted within the week. For example. If I am studying week 1's assignments and activites I cannot work on week 2's assignments and turn them in or I will not get credit. I have to wait until week 2 to work on week 2's assignments and activites.
The attendance policy. I work a full time job and the attendance policy requires students to post 3 discussions on three seperate days of the week which is fusterating becuase I generally like to use my day off from work and spend the entire day doing my assignments so I can concentrate on the class but doing it this way on seperate days I often forget or have to do dicusssion and assignments while at work which leads me to loose focus.
The only thing I really don't like is my classes are picked for me. I would like to be able to choolse which classes I take and when.
The most frustrating thing about my shcool is that they are ridiculed by many people. College is not any different than life. You get out of college the hardwork you put into college and you get out of life the hard work you put into life.
The most frustrating thing about my school is the condensed coursework. I work full-time as well as attend classes and sometimes I have to budget my time in order to get the important assignments completed. It is also tough sometimes, because it is condensed, to work with a team of people that are all over the country, sometimes the world, to write a collabroative paper or project. Although these are tough or frustrating circumstances, you learn to work globally versus working by yourself or with people that are like you.
The most frustrating thing about the school is that when searching the library you tend to get more information that is sometime not relevent to your assignmwmt, unless you ask for help.
I have not had problems arise and frustrate me. During Gen/147 we learned tips and techniques on stress management. These tools that were given enabled me to effectively manage my time by prioritizng. I have been able to keep up with school, while working and having a life at home. I did not use to do this before starting school here. I am now able to do all and not get overwhelmed.
The most frustrating thing about my school for me is getting the team assignments done in a timely manner with some of my teammates. It is very hard when we are in different states and all have lives to live. With most of us having a full-time job and family to support, getting together online in an organizing way is sometimes hard. When your grade depends on the quality of work that someone else is responsible for it can be quite stressful at times.
Team assignements are the most frustrating part of school. However, if you can get a good team together that you work well with then it becomes much easier. It is also a good experience even though it is tough. In the real world you have to learn to work as a team with all types of individuals. My advice would be figure out who you work well with and form a team by going through classes on the buddy system. It really works.