University of Phoenix-Online Campus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Phoenix-Online Campus?


so far it is going good and the students in the class all help each other. the only thing i don't like is you they do not explain the financial aid to you it just shows outstanding balance.


There is nothing frustrating about my school i like my school.


The most frustrating thing about my school has actually on been my ability to find the time to do the work. The school itself has actually been fantastic as far as the help and support that everyone from professors and advisors has been concerned.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that is is so easy to allow my distractions to interfere with my schedule. When this happens my needed participatition suffers and i lose grade points.


Some times it is confusing how the instructors word things.


I believe the most frustrating thing I've experience with my school so far is the lack of being able to build personal relationships with the professors and your peers. I believe my online learning experience would be a lot better if I was able to interact with my peers as well as build relationships with the professors. Sharing certain thoughts and ideas and discussing certain issues or debating points seem to me that it would make the learning experience broader. Having input from others and sharing personal experiences seem to me like it would help diversify my learning experience.


So far I have actually been amazed at how simple it is doing the online school. So far I don't have anything frustrating or bad to say about it!


It seems like they are always working on system upgrades, so the site is frequently down. You need to get as much information saved on your computer as possible so this doesn't cause delays.


The most frustrating thing about my school is when one's teammates fail to complete their tasks in a timely manner.


The most frustrating thing about attending University of Phoenix online is the method of communication. Because most of the communication that happens in the online classroom is on a forum or through email, there are always wait times when communicating with other students and or your instructor. If you are asking a question regarding an assignment that is due very soon, this can lead to some very frustrating situations.