Their tough policies on plagiarism sometimes lead them to make unjust punishments. I know someone who got a zero on an assignment simply because she accidentally did not cite a passage.
The most frustruating about my school is the workload. To attend my school, a person must know how to manage time and find a balance between work, family, and school. If a person does not, they will be unable to succeed.
For me taking the most frustrating thing about school is time management. I am a mother of 3 children who all have one leel of ADHD or another. So making the time to study has been the greatest challenge for me. I have done a pretty good job so far and they have been pretty helpful in knowing that when it is time for me to do my work I have to be focused and left alone.
I wish the school were less expensive. It is frustrating to think about the school loans that await me once I have completed my degree.
I attend the University of Phoenix online classes. The hours and time you spend are very flexible. Really there is nothing that frustrating about it. One thing I do get frustated with is having to go online at least four times a week, this can become nerve racking but at least it is not every day. . However, you can do this any day just as long you get the exact amount of time in. I guess everthing is pretty much ok.
Since I am taking my courses online, I suppose the most frustrating thing about my school is that I do not see my teachers directly. I am not able to speak to them at the moment if I have a question. But, I enjoy being able to do my work anywhere at anytime.
The most frustrating thing about my school is the lack of days off. You only get a two week break per year and that is for Chritsmas and New Years.
The most frustrating thing about my school would be the cost. I do not understand why it costs so much to get an education. You do not have to pay to go to elementary, middle, or high school besides taxes. I do not understand why you have to pay so much for college. You are the one paying for it but you still have to go by your parents income which makes you less eligable for grants. I understand having to pay for college but I just do not get why is has to cost so much.
The most frustrating thing about my school is trying to find funding for it. It is so expensive especially for single parents like myself, who are working to make ends meet. Financial aid isn't enough to cover it and private loans are hard to qualify for without a co-signer. I would really like to finish schooling so that I may obtain a better job. It doesn't help that the school constantly raises the prices of tuition.
Having to check in at least four days a week.