University of Phoenix-Online Campus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Phoenix-Online Campus?




I don't find anything frustrating about the school. I have worked with Academic counselors over the phone. Everyone at The University of Phoenix Axia College has made this experience pretty pain free. I have also started classes this week. You would think that there would be more barriers due to not being able to communicate face-to-face. I have previously attended on campus classes at a University and I like this method of learning better. It requires more participation which allows me to retain more from the subject matter.


It's all online which gets stale sometimes. It would be nice to be able to interact in person during lessons.


I am currently stating my first year on January 18th, 2010. I have not started classes yet.


The most frustrating thing about University of Phoenix on-line is the amount of reasearch and paper writing. Because everything is done on line you write papers each week and then a large final project at the end. There are very few tests and all of the paper writing and essays can become tedious.


The team concept is at times challenging and takes a continual effort for maximum results. Sometimes team members schedules conflict and not every team member has the same dedication as others. Working through the problems will have an advantage in the business world.


A lack of financial support.


Most people thrive on physical interaction with other people. Being an online student, the ability to interact with other students is completely different than in a traditional brick and mortar campus. Online we can email, post, and call each other - but unless you happen to be lucky enough to live near someone in your class, you don't get to sit around and socialize, have physical study groups, or get to know other students very well. When you choose to do courses online, this is just something you have to understand and accept.


getting my professional judgement approved so I can receive financial aid again. they are taking way too long to approve my professional judgement. it has been six months and it still has not been approved.


it is directed toward people already working in the field of their degree.