University of Phoenix-Online Campus Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Phoenix-Online Campus?


I had one math teacher who was not very nice. I am really good at math but he didm't seem to like me for some reason, he was somewhat disrespectful and there was nothing I could do to get a good grade in his class. This was my lowest grade in my life and I felt that I should have received a better grade but he was not willing to listen. Ohterwise, my experience would have been near excellent.


The frustrating thing about the University of Phoenix, would be that teachers are not always accessible. Most of the time, online instructors also teach in regular classroom so they are hard to get a hold of at times. University of Phoenix is also very expensive to attend, but I am hoping that it will be worth it since I will be receiving a bachelor's degree in four years instead of the six years it takes a student on average.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the more you advance the higher the tuition cost. My classes were $750 starting off and they are now $1,120. This is a $400 out of pocket expense I have to pay. This is very inconvenient, especially since it is holiday season now. If the courses stayed at $750 if would not be as difficult.


Basic Math and Algebra!


Their financial aid work differently then traditional schools so it is hard to understand and keep up with!


The most frustrating thing about the school is not being able to see the people or the teacher in my class, not knowing what they look like or who they are.


well my school wasnt listed so i picked something close to it. i do go to the university of phoenix the campus in palm desert california just so you know. but the most frustrating thing about UOPX to me is the fanacial aid. i didnt get an option for grants. they put me with a loan. one other thing is the fact that you only take one class at a time. even though there five week class's more class's at a time would be better.


Having to wait on financial aid


I am enjoying attending the University of Phoenix Online classes.


Not having the close availability of going to a campus for needed help. My campus is an hour away and i take online courses at home