University of South Carolina-Aiken Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of South Carolina-Aiken know before they start?


I would tell students that they should always keep there options open when choosing the right college. Do not choose a school because your friends are going there and pick the best fit for you. I would also tell the parents not to push a school on their children becasue it might not be the best fit for them, but I would encourge the student to listen to their parents because they know them best. I would also tell the student if the school they are plan to attend is not there first choice, they should not rule it out. Stay a full year there with a postive and open mind and you never know how much you will like the school you are planing to attend.


The best advice I can give about choosing the right college is don't just base it on financial brackets. Make sure that your child will be comfortable at that school. IF they're not comfortable, more than likely their grades will suffer in the end along with their potential social life. College gives you a chance to make yourself over and become that person you want to be and that's a great opportunity. Choose somewhere that's not expensive, safe environment, and overall, where you and your child can feel comfortable. I know I made the right choice. I have made some life long friends because of the school that I chose and if I had to do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing.


The main two factors to consider when choosing a college are expense and quality of education. You may want to go away to school... but can you afford out-of-state tuition? What about campus housing and meal plans? Does the school offer financial aid such as scholarships, grants, or campus employment? Try to have a definite plan of how you are going to finance your education (and all related expenses) for 4+ years. Pick a school that boasts a high level of post-graduate employment in your chosen major, or that employs professors who are leading researchers in their fields. Ideally, you'll achieve a good balance between cost and quality of education. Keep this in mind when you're in school, too--you want to get the most bang for your buck, right? College is not the time to party; save that for later, once you've achieved "gainful employment". Find other like-minded students in your class and set up study groups, and don't be afraid to ask professors for help. Doing well academically could also lead to more scholarships or grants... in this case, hard work really is its own reward! Good luck!


When choosing a college, students and parents should always go visit the campus. Take a look inside classrooms and even meet some of their potential professors. Look at the different ways that the university keeps in touch with their students. Not only is it important for you to be in touch with professors, but also with the dean and other on campus officials. Also, take a good look at campus security and the surrounding community; if you take a night class, live on campus, or even plan on moving to a nearby campus area, you will want to know how security is so that you will always feel safe. The college experience is not only about academics but also about getting involved. Look to see what types of organizations are available. From Greek life to community service, all of this can play a huge role in choosing the right college for you!


I would say to make sure that you take your time and evalute all the different colleges you want to attend. Then I would tell them to go and visit their desired college and get to know the staff and students. Once you get accepted into your college of choice make sure you are focused on your goal of obtaining a college degree. Because at all colleges their will be distractions. Make the best of your college education because in todays society knowledge, and education is the key that will unlock many wonderful opportunities for you. Also, in college who knows you might your future husband or wife. I do know that you will meet many wonderful people, and make bonds that will last a lifetime. I have meet people who I can't go a day without talking to. College also helps to shape and mold you into the person want to be. I can say that attending college has changed my life for the best. I am a better person because I attended college.


Make sure students and parents visits schools more than one time.


Have a good idea what you want out the college experience, and comprimise with how much you're willing to pay. I believe it's possible to get the best of both worlds.


My advice to parents and/or students when choosing the right college would be to visit each campus that you are interested in so that you can get a look at the schools first-hand before making a decision. Most campuses that are large sometimes focus more on athletics than academics, so make sure that you choose a school that will accomodate to all of your needs. A low student to professor ratio is also something to consider so that the student can interact one on one with the professor as needed.


Make sure that the school is not too big or too small. Also make sure that the school offers courses that will lead you into your career goal, because the worst thing to do is to attend a college and realize you have to transfer.


Dear Students of Parents Make sure that you take a major instead of being undecided. It is good to have a directions at first in going to college, but you can aways change your direction by changing your major. This is okay it is a normal accurance but come in with a goal in mind to get everything done in four years. Also make sure that your degree can get you a job right out of college. For example either a nursing degree, pharmacy, engineering, and teaching. It is nice to have a sure thing coming out of college that you have a specific job in mind. Also shadow that job to make sure it is the job that you want because later on you may hate it and want to do something else. Make sure you have a good time and experience, but don't go overboard by letting your good time make your grades suffer. That happens to a lot of freshmen that drop out the first year because they could not exercise self control. I hope you love the experience and enjoy your college life and learn a lot.