Do research first.
Make sure that the college you select best suites your educational goals first. Then, look for the college that accomodates your financial abilities. Do not go for the college that sounds fun or seems very festive as far as parties are concerned. Take this decision very wisely and seriously. Selecting the best college that suites you will be one of the toughest but rewarding experiences in your lifetime.
Students should choose a college that fits them, their needs, and their desire for education. Do not choose a school simply because it is where your family wants you to go or where your friends from high school will be. Your education will determine YOUR future, not anyone else's. Keep that in mind when deciding what college is best for you.
go to USC Aiken if you live nearby... it's a great school... if you have what you believe higher expectations (Harvard, Princeton, etc.) and can afford and are willing to work to succeed then take them. It's great for a local college and many students from across the country attend. Get involved, make friends, do your homework and study... experience everything there is to offer and open your mind to new things and try them.
I would say make sure the school is the type of place a student would feel comfortable. Make sure the collge has the student's major. Geting invole is very important. Meeting more people and talking to them can help a student out more.
My advice to students would be to select colleges based on what you can gain from that college. Find out how that school accommodates your personal needs. So many times people choose colleges based on their friends and family, it has to be one's individual choice. There is so much knowledge and opportunities to gain while attending college. When you are in college you have to be focused on the main reason for going to college. The social aspect may be nice, but college is beyond that. Colleges are here to help you to develop mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. I encourage people to get involved with positive things that are offered at the school, getting involved helps you to become a more well-rounded person.
When looking for a college, focus on the little things that would make you feel at home. Is the school too big? Are the people friendly? What activites are available? Is the school too far from home? How much is the tuition? Could I see myself becoming well-educated at this school? These are a few questions to ask yourself when deciding on the college best suited for you. College is completely different from high school. College is more work, but it can determine your future career. It should be an experience where you feel safe, comfortable, and are able to make plenty of friends. Pursue a degree in what makes yourself happy and no one else. Parents, let your children deal with the good and bad issues of college. Support them, but do not push them. Students, let it be an experience that you will always remember.
I would tell students to find a college that is affordable and has a well respected department for their major. I would also tell them to make sure they will like where they are living and the enivornment they will live in.
After assessing the students' finantial status, parents and students should have some idea as to what career field the student plans to enter before choosing to apply to colleges. If the student does not know what career field he or she plans to enter, the student should find a college with a good career planning office and staff. Parents and students can call these offices to reqest information about the process and care involved in helping the student find an appropriate career choice. Once the student has been accepted to a college, both parents and students should plan to visit the school to see if it is some place that the student might enjoy attending for several months. Plans to attend local or more distant schools should be throughly discussed between parents and students. Students should also inquire about extracurricular activities on campus such as sports events, plays, and recreational activities. Perhaps more important, parents and students should learn more about what students can do if they find themselves slipping academically. Solutions may include a meeting with the professor of the class in question or determining the availability of a tutor. A plan should be developed to insure maximum success.
Pick a school that is going to take your potential and transform you into a person who will thurst for knowledge.