A lot of people at the University of St. Thomas are very closed off. As you walk across campus, no one talks or smiles at you unless you know them. I was terrified walking across campus on the first day of classes because no one was smiling. As you get to know people, like at any school, interactions improve, but it is still a frusteration for me. I wish we had a more obviously welcoming environment. However, people are very nice once you get to know them.
I wish I would have understood what a small campus size entailed, like the possibility of finding mentors, and the level of academic rigor at my school. A small school has many benefits, but it also has drawbacks and it feels like opportunities aren't presented on campus, but outside of the college community in St. Paul.
I wish I would have known the lack of diversity that was at my school.
Before I had choosen to attend the University of Saint Thomas, I wish I would have put in to perspective how small it is. I really like the school, although sometimes I wish it was a little bit bigger so that I could get to know a larger variety of people.
I wish I would have known how to live with other people. I have a sister and we shared a room for years, but throughout all of high school I had the privledge of having my own room, my own space. Not anymore, I have to learn how to share again. I have to learn how to be quiet when other people are sleeping and I have to do work, and I have to learn to sleep while other people are working.
I wish I would have known better time managment.
What I wish I knew before coming to St. Thomas was the different opportunities you had once you joined the St. Thomas community. The St. Thomas community is very helpful, inviting and beneficial is beneficial not only to your education; but also they want to help you professionally and personally. I find myself becoming the person whom I'm meant to be because of St. Thomas, and for that I am very grateful.
First, I wish that I had know that going to the University of St. Thomas was going to be amazing. I was very worried about college in High School, and didn't know what to expect. Now that I am in College I have had a great time and really enjoyed my classes. Second, I wish I would have looked more into careers, because even to this day I am and undecided student. Knowing my major would have been very useful and made things easier for me. As it is I'm still trying to decide my major.
I wish that I would have known exactly what I wanted to major in when I came to St. Thomas. I thought I had wanted to do an Education major, but then I decided against it. Now, I am undecided and do not know what I want to major in. I am, however, grateful that St. Thomas has an amazing Career Development office to help me figure out what I want to do in life.
I wish I had known how important it is to make friends right away who hold the same values as me. It is so easy to get sucked into drinking/partying with people who don't necessarily care about your heart.