University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Before coming to this school, I wish I would have known how important reading and studying were. I also wish I knew how hard accounting is. I enjoy my major, business, but accounting is a tough class. It was offered at my high school and I didn't take it because I thought it would be of no importance to me. Little did I know, it could have helped me out a lot and save me a lot of stress.


I wish I had known how much financial aid I was going to get as it was actually more than I expected, and with that I may have been able to get into an even better school. The school didn't rank as high in business as I thought it did, but it is still a good school nonetheless.


Living on campus is expensive. They advertise weekend activities, but it truly is a suticase campus.


I wish that knew how much it was really going to cost me outfront. It would have been nice to have a mandatory meeting with a financial aid representative to get me going on the right track.


I wish I would've taken more AP classes in high school because the more credits that you have at St Thomas, the easier it is to register for classes and get the classes that you need.


I wish I would have known how homesick I was going to be.


I wish I would have known that everybody is in the same position as I am and that we're all awkward. Then I wouldn't have been so worried about making friends. I wish someone would have told me how easy it is to make new friends.


I wish that I had known how hard it was going to be to pay for everything.


I wish I would have known that most students go home on the weekends, it was very difficult my first year to find friends who stuck around on campus, and it would have influenced my decision to attend this school.


Before I attended the Universtiy of St. Thomas, I wish I would have put into perspective how much tuition costs. Spending that much money in an undergraduate program seems risky since I will be in a large amount of debt before I even reach medical school, which presents more opportunity for debt. However, I am hoping that it will someday pay off.