The requirements of graduation; However, they are not as bad as they seemed at first. They encourage and teach people to become more well-rounded and understanding of the entire world around them, not just certain fields.
I wish I would have known what I really wanted to major in. I have chosen a major that has a very small department, therefore limited sections, some offered every other semester which was a puzzle at times to organize my schedule. Had I known my passion for my field, I think it would have been more beneficial to search out schools in and out of state in order to fully take advantage of what my major should be offering, but rather is limited to because of its small budget and few professors.
I wish I had known how expensive it really is and how difficult it has been to get financial aid. Having to worry about money has been much more stressful and time consuming than I anticipated before transferring to the University of St Thomas.
I wish I would have known the work load was tough and takes up a ton of your time. The students here are highly educated and tend to keep you competive, which I think is a good thing. I like being surrounded by other students that encourage me to do well. I wish someone would have told me college is NOTHING like the movies protray it. It's hard work!
I wish that I had known exactly what my major and minor were going to be because it would have helped me to advance in my classes. I would have been able to make a perfect schedule that would ensure my graduation in four years and strengthen my future career options. I would save time and money by advancing quickly and efficiently through the courses that I would need to take to fulfill the requirements for my education. I also would have been able to participate in clubs, organizations, and internships geared towards furthering my academic goals.
I wish I would have known that a lot of the students o home on the weekends during the first year, so the campus usually isn't as lively. However, most of my friends did stay during the weekends. I also would have liked to have been more prepared for how extremely important note-taking and studying are.
I can't think of anything I would have liked to know that I did not know already before coming here to this school. My older brother is two years ahead of me at this college so I knew exactly what I was getting into through visiting him and hearing about life on campus from him. That is why I felt so comfortable in choosing this school. If I could go back the only thing I would do is visit him a little more and get an even better sense of campus life.
I can't think of any one thing I would have liked to have known before coming to college because many things I've learned about growing up happened after getting here, and wouldn't have made sense without the experience itself.
I wish I had known that everyone around here uses a Mac laptop instead of PCs.
I wish I had not worried so much about what college would be like and that I had realized what a supportive college St. Thomas was earlier on. UST looks out for its students and does its part in making sure that college is both worthwhile and enjoyable. They offer a great advising program which starts during summer orientation and continues throughout your entire four years. Students who require even more guidance than the advice and help they get from their proffessors and first year advisor can go to a number of great resources on campus. UST cares about students!