University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known that St. Thomas requires philosophy and theology courses as their core requirements. I did PSEO so I came into St. Thomas with almost all my core requirements completed, but I had never taken any philosophy or theology courses so I did not have these to transer. They require two philosophy courses and three theology courses so that is over one semester-worth of classes that I have to take that I may have been able to get done with my PSEO.


So expensive, and some teachers are not worth the money.


I wish I would have known what I wanted to major in, it would have made picking classes so much easier, because there are so many great options.


I wish that I would have known what same-sex dorms meant. The fact that men and womens dorms are seperate creates a social barrier at times.


I knew everything that was vital before coming here.


The amount of homework each night.


This school is very involved in on campus activities and sports. The weekend doesn't provide many things for students to do.


Where to park


You are required to take 3 Theology classes and 2 Philosophy classes.


The only thing that I wish I had known before I came to the University of St. Thomas is how much colder it is here than where I'm from. I love everything about this school so far, but I could definitely go for some warmer weather!