Living with three strangers is not easy. And girls are harder! We had to do a lot of compromising in order to have a peaceful room. People need to make sure they are ready to live in a small space with others before they move in. Don't get me wrong the dorms are a lot of fun, we just had a lot of work to do.
The importance of getting involved on campus, along with the importance of networking and getting connected. I wish I would have known that these other involvements are often just as important as my focus on academics and will be just as likely if not more likely to offer more opportunity for a successful future. I also wish I would have known that being successful in the classroom alone does not bring happiness, but it is important to meet new people and try new things.
Before attending the University of Saint Thomas, I wish i would have know how to study for large test, like finals. I started college thinking that the tests, like highschool, were going to be a piece of cake. Boy was I wrong. After the first round of tests I realized that I needed to develope some sort of studying method just to get through my first semester.
One thing that I wish I had known before I came to the school is how the active the alumnis are in helping current students and graduating students. The amazing support we have on campus makes it so compelling on how upon graduating there is a system in helping students succeed in achieving their goals and their dream career.
I wish I had know that there were very few people of my race.
One thing I wish I were well-informed about before attending St Thomas is all the additional help I would need to seek and obtain. In high school, I could easily attain “A’s” simply by grabbing my homework and a book then taking a test: pretty simple. In college, however, countless situations have arisen in which I was forced to email professors and set up appointments in order to finish normal homework assignments. Furthermore, I would need to attend extra study sessions and participate in study groups in order to study for tests.
I wish I would have known the people I moved in with in my dorm first semester of my freshman year. Other than that, nothing.
I wish that I would've known that the food was better. However, on a honest note I wish that I would've known more about how this university conducts itself. I am amazed to find all the behind the scenes things, that I never knew about while taking my tour. Some of those things, suprised me, and I wish St. Thomas would've given me all the facts rather than pushing them aside.
I wish I would have known that this school is pretty generous in accepting credits from previous schooling. In other words, I wish I would have taken my generals elsewhere and transfered them here so I could have saved money and/or lived on campus my freshmen year. To generals are basic and could be taught anywhere. I wish there would've been someone to help me in that process in my high school or as I was applying here.
A large portion of the student body is very wealthy. Be prepared to be bombarded with brand name clothing, purses, and nice cars. Not everyone is like this, but definitely enough people to make you feel uncomfortable sometimes. However, these people are not the majority, and there are plenty of other people who do not have their parents paying the $40,000/year tuition!
Be prepared to be held to high standards by professors who take a personal interest in every student :)