University of St Thomas-Saint Paul Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


That getting hired at on on-campus work cite, would be so difficult. I applied at twenty different positions, and only one person got back to me. Which greatly angered me considering I have work study and a sufficient amount of work experience. In addition, all of the extra costs that the school charges.


I wish I had known that St. Thomas easily accepted AP credits from high school.


That there were many liberal art requirements, such as three theology classes. I feel that three classes is not neccessary, I would rather jsut take one or two and save the $4,000.


I wish I had done more research about double majoring and the amount of work that goes with it!


I wish I had known that many of the sporting events are not that big of a deal. We have very good sports teams, but not that many people show up to many of the games. I also wish that I had known that people go home on the weekends fairly frequently, so sometimes on the weekends there is not very much to do.


I wish I had known that there was this much drinking. People are really loud sometimes even in the middle of the week because they are drunk


Before I had came to this school I wish I would have known that I could have finished my general courses that would transfer over and allow me to save money for other necessities. I also wish I would have known more about housing options that were available to me.


I wish I had known how much college was actually going to cost. The price of college is quite a bit if you want a quality education.


I wish I had known how easy it was to get out in the city and do fun activities! The university has programs that offer discounted tickets to different events going on in the Twin Cities and more. My friends and I have gone to a Minnesota Twins game and a Minnesota Wild game, both for only $5! It has such an amazing location and it is very easy to get places, especially other colleges in the cities. St Thomas has an amazing atmosphere and the campus is BEAUTIFUL!!


That many people that go to St. thomas went to the same highschool so they stick with the same group of people.